Americans perform haka for Kiwi mate who couldn't make it back to New Zealand for funeral

Footage of a group of Americans performing a haka for their Kiwi mate is going viral online. 

In the video uploaded to TikTok, the group is seen performing the Māori dance to pay tribute Jarom Ngakuru - a US-based New Zealander whose nan had recently died. 

"Hardest part about living in America is that we live so far away. I couldn't make it home for my nan's funeral and I was BROKEN!" Ngakuru captioned the video. 

"So my boys at work learned the haka without me knowing and brought home to me." 

The haka touched TikTok users in New Zealand. 

"This is a truly beautiful thing," one said. 

"How much they appreciate your culture is just amazing and I'm so happy you have people like this in your life," another commented. 

"That is... touching," wrote another. 

Others said the video gave them "goosebumps". 

"Glorious. Absolutely glorious," one said. 

"Thank you for sharing. You just showed us that humanity is alive and well," said another. 

"Gave me chills! Awesome job," a third wrote. 

At the time of writing, the video had been viewed 2.9 million times.

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