Armed woman accused of trying to steal $1400 worth of items from Auckland Airport store, assaulting staff member

  • 04/06/2024
Auckland Airport.
The alleged offending happened at about 10:30pm on Thursday, police say. Photo credit: Getty Images

A woman has been charged with shoplifting and aggravated assault after allegedly trying to steal more than $1400 worth of items from an Auckland Airport store. 

Senior Sergeant Wendy Pickering said the alleged offending happened at about 10:30pm on Thursday, when officers noticed the woman "attempting to leave the store with a trolley full of items". 

"It is alleged there was over $1400 worth of items in the trolley and that she was also in possession of a weapon," Snr Sgt Pickering said. "Our staff responded quickly to the scene and arrested the woman, who is also alleged to have been breaching her bail conditions." 

According to police, the woman also allegedly assaulted a staff member with the weapon - which wasn't a gun. The staffer sustained minor injuries. 

Snr Sgt Pickering said the alleged offender was due to appear in the Manukau District next Friday. 

She said such behaviour was unacceptable. 

"Over recent months, police have two marked vehicles in and around the [Auckland Airport] Retail Centre, which assists us with prevention of these types of incidents in the area." 

Officers continued to work alongside airport retail staff and "we thank those who are proactive in reporting matters to us so we can respond accordingly", she said. 
