Eliana Golberstein, protester who threw tomato juice at Posie Parker, pleads guilty to assault

Eliana Golberstein, who drenched women's rights activist Posie Parker in tomato juice during a protest last year, has pleaded guilty to assault.

The 35-year-old entered guilty pleas in relation to two charges of assault at the Auckland District Court on Friday.

It comes after she failed to have her charges dismissed following a hearing late last year.

Golberstein's lawyer, James Olsen, on Friday requested no convictions be entered - indicating he would seek a discharge without conviction.

Golberstein was filmed pouring the substance over Parker and a supporter during a Let Women Speak event last March.

Parker was set to speak at the event and was escorted to Albert Park's rotunda by security.

After making it to the stage, Parker was doused in tomato juice and her speech was drowned out by counter protestors.

The scenes quickly turned riotous as pushing and scuffles broke out between attendees of Parker's rally and the larger counter-protest.

Parker was quickly escorted out of the venue by private security after being rushed and sprayed with water.

Golberstein will be sentenced in September.