Motutapu steps hunt up to remove rogue rat

The rat was spotted on camera.
The rat was spotted on camera. Photo credit: Supplied by Department of Conservation.

Efforts to remove a rat from Motutapu Island, which is currently pest-free, have been stepped up after one was sighted on CCTV.

Department of Conservation (DOC) Inner Hauraki Gulf Islands Operations Manager Kat Lane said the rat was a threat to the seven critically endangered tūturuatu on the island, as the birds are especially susceptible to mammalian predation. 

"A planned translocation of juvenile captive-bred birds on to the island has been paused while we eradicate the rat," Lane said.

The joint DOC and Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki response began when a DOC ranger spotted a rat on the island in late April.

Based on camera footage, only one rat is suspected to be present, although DOC believe there could be more.

DOC have installed additional tracking tunnels, cameras, and conservation dogs, alongside a variety of baits in and around traps.

They believe the rat (or rats) is avoiding the traps.

DOC has adopted another strategy of selectively placing the toxic bait brodifacoum in bait stations or discrete locations around the island.

Lane said it was crucial to keep Motutapu pest-free.

"The island is of high conservation value, and is actively used for threatened species recovery programmes.

"Species such as tūturuatu/shore plover, takahē, and Coromandel brown kiwi all rely on Motutapu remaining pest-free."

There is increasing urgency around the response, as a range of sea and shore birds, including the tūturuatu and tūturiwhatu/NZ dotterel, begin their nesting season in July. Eggs and chicks are easy targets for mammalian predators.

Motutapu is also home to other species not commonly seen on the mainland, including tīeke/saddleback, kākāriki/parakeet, korimako/bellbird, and kororā/blue penguin.

It is unknown how the rat arrived.

"It could have stowed away in a boat, gear or bag, or potentially swam or drifted on debris from the mainland - Norway rats can swim up to 3km," Lane said.

"Boat owners can help keep islands pest-free by checking your vessel and gear for rats, mice, ants and skinks before departure. You can also set traps or bait stations on your vessel and in the area it is stored."

Lane said Aucklanders play a major role in keeping these islands pest-free. 

DOC advises visitors who are visiting pest-free islands to:

  • Check your gear for pests such as rodents and insects
  • Clean footwear and gear, removing soil and seeds
  • Ensure your gear is zipped up (no open bags)

For more information on visiting pest-free islands, see the DOC website.