Virgin Australia flight: Dramatic onboard video emerges of moment flames spew from engine after taking off from Queenstown

  • 18/06/2024

Dramatic footage has emerged from on board the fiery Virgin Australia flight, which was forced to land at Invercargill Airport. 

The plane took off from Queenstown just before 6pm on Monday night but encountered trouble after a possible bird strike shortly after take-off. 

Footage captured by social media user @DrawyahYT shows the Boeing 737 jet taking off as normal before flames can be seen coming from the engine, seconds after it was in the air. 

Virgin Australia flight: Dramatic onboard video emerges of moment flames spew from engine after taking off from Queenstown
Photo credit: DrawyahYT

In the video, flames continue to spit out of the engine while the plane can be heard revving. 

A commotion starts to break out as other passengers notice what has happened. 

The passenger who filmed the video was sitting immediately behind the burning engine, on the right-hand side of the plane. 

It diverted to Invercargill Airport and landed safely about an hour after taking off. 

@DrawyahYT has praised the flight staff for getting the plane with 73 people onboard down safely on one engine. 

Passengers spent the night in accommodation in Invercargill and are being put on a bus back to Queenstown today.