Warrant issued for arrest of alleged Christchurch fraudster Nicola Flint

A warrant has been issued for the arrest of an alleged Christchurch fraudster who reportedly stole more than $100,000 from a rugby club.

Nicola Flint left for the UK after her alleged fraud was uncovered.

Flint allegedly stole more than $100,000 from Christchurch Football Club; she worked there and her young children played there.

She's also accused of using fake terminal cancer letters.

Court documents show Flint is facing nine charges related to fraud and forgery. The most serious charge, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, relates to police alleging she made a false document from St George's Hospital Cancer Care Centre "knowing it to be false and intending that it be acted upon as genuine".

Newshub has previously spoken to several of Flint's close friends, who said they'd been constantly lied to. One friend said Flint, in 2018, told her she was dying and showed her a "sad and distressing" letter allegedly from a medical care provider to Flint's insurance company.

The friend thought they would lose Flint by Christmas 2019.

But she's alive and well, living in the UK, with recent footage seen by Newshub showing her dancing at a party.

The Flints also left their two dogs at a Canterbury kennel, with Nicola telling the kennel they couldn't come back to New Zealand because she was having cancer surgery and their son was in ICU in a UK hospital. The UK hospital she named has confirmed he never was.

Nicola Flint has not responded to repeated requests for comment.