Air NZ flight forced to turn back after 2.5 hours due to ice, engine problems

An airline spokesperson said maintenance staff need to check the plan's anti-ice function inside one of its engines.
An airline spokesperson said maintenance staff need to check the plan's anti-ice function inside one of its engines. Photo credit: Getty Images.

An Air New Zealand flight to Hong Kong has been forced to turn back to Auckland after a problem with ice and an engine.

Flight NZ81 was two-and-a-half hours into the flight, and to the West of New Caledonia, when it changed direction, on Thursday afternoon.

Air New Zealand safety officer Captain David Morgan said the decision to turn the plane around was made so one of the engines could be checked.

"The aircraft requires the anti-ice function inside one of its engines to be checked by our maintenance team and doing so in Auckland rather than Hong Kong will ensure the aircraft can return to service much faster."

There was no safety risk to passengers, Morgan said.

Those affected would be put on the next available flight.