Dangerous driver smashes into Auckland's Waterview Tunnel, narrowly misses highway exit collision

Shocking footage shows a car swerving wildly and scraping a wall in Auckland's Waterview Tunnel.

Other motorists are seen giving the driver space as they veer all over the motorway, including one dramatic swerve crossing road markings to narrowly avoid a highway exit. 

The video, originally shared on TikTok, has been discussed on Reddit. 

"Drunk? Texting? Can't drive?" the poster asks. 

"Just drove through the tunnel myself and you can see they hit the side more than 10 times as you drive down," one person commented.

However, police told Newshub they weren't aware of the incident, instead urging motorists who see any unsafe driving behaviour to contact police on 105 or *555 if it is after the fact, or 111 if someone is in immediate danger. 

"Police remain focused on changing four main behaviours (RIDS: restraints, impairment, distraction, speed) which contribute to death and injury on our roads as a result of people driving too fast for the conditions, driving while impaired (by alcohol, drugs, or fatigue), driving while distracted (including using a cell phone) and not being properly restrained," the spokesperson said. 

The Automobile Association (AA) added that other drivers should keep their distance from the dangerous driver and either pull over to contact police or get a passenger to do so. 

Many people online also shared their disappointment at the dangerous driving, fearing someone could have been hurt. 

However, others poked fun at the driving. 

"That's my driving when i (sic) play GTA and actually attempt following traffic laws," one person said. 

"It's like when a kid is at a bowling alley with the gutters blocked," another said.