Goodbye from Newshub

  • 05/07/2024

As Patrick Gower said earlier this week: "That was the f**king Newshub."

We've loved every minute of bringing you the news over the past eight-and-a-half years as Newshub, and all the way back to 1989 as 3 National News and 3 News.

There's an adage that journalism is the first draft of history, and oh what history we've been here to cover.

There were the things that hurt, like natural disasters and terror attacks.

The things that made us proud, like Rugby World Cup wins, Olympic glory and Oscars gold.

There were the things that changed New Zealand, like our investigations and campaigns that have literally saved lives.

There were elections, wars, royal deaths and royal births. 

And then there were the things that were just plain silly: 69 positions in 60 seconds, and stories about how hippos might fly.

This newsroom has always pushed harder to get you closer to the real story. It's taken grit, determination and risk. But it's been so much fun along the way.

It has been our privilege to be here to inform you, to entertain you and to take you places you've never been.

We've probably made you angry at times. We've hopefully made you laugh at times, too.

But more than anything, we hope we've helped you understand our beautiful little country and the world around us just a wee bit better.

Keep reading and watching stories from New Zealand journalists - there is plenty of fantastic reporting going on and you'll be able to follow the work of many of our people in other Kiwi publications and broadcasts soon.

The bottom of the Newshub app has said for ages: That's all for now.

Well, this time: That's all... forever.