Increase in house fires over winter sparks reminder to clean tumble dryers

  • 01/07/2024
Insurance giant FMG says house fire claims increase significantly during the winter months.
Insurance giant FMG says house fire claims increase significantly during the winter months. Photo credit: Getty

By Scarlett Richards 
A rise in house fires this winter has sparked a reminder for Kiwis to clean out their tumble dryer lint.

A build-up of tumble dryer lint was the cause of a house fire in Omarau last year.

Insurance giant FMG says house fire claims increase significantly during the winter months - and it's seen more than 126 claims relating to house fires this year.

"It is hard to get washing dry on the line and people often need to resort to using tumble dryers to get the job done," said advice services manager Angela Tayor.

"Clogged vents, ducts and filters are the primary causes of dryer fires. 

"So, we have a few recommendations for those using tumble dryers to avoid the risk of overheating or a fire starting."

Firstly, FMG says to clean the dryer's lint filter between loads, as a build-up of lint can result in filters overheating and igniting even after the dryer is turned off.

Secondly don't overload dryer loads - overloading causes excessive heat to build up. FMG suggests at least a quarter of the dryer needs to be free.

Lastly, use the correct dryer settings for more oily loads. Items like tea towels that have high fat and oil content need to be washed with hot water and dried with low heat. The cycle should also include a cooldown period.

FMG has developed fire-retardant lint bags to minimize the problem of unemptied lint filters. The bag magnetically attaches to the tumble dryer and lasts several loads before needing emptying.

"It is easy to say, 'oh I will empty it next time', it's much harder to deal with the aftermath of a house fire," said Taylor.

"These lint bags are our way of taking away the excuses and helping encourage safer behaviours when it comes to getting your clothes dry."

An analysis of FMG's claims found the leading causes of house fires over the past five years are electrical and wiring faults, kitchen fires, and chimney and fireplace accidents.