I'll keep my blind trust - John Key

John Key's last press conference (Lloyd Burr/Newshub.)
John Key's last press conference (Lloyd Burr/Newshub.)

John Key will keep his vast investment portfolio in a blind trust until he leaves Parliament for good.

"Even though obviously I could get rid of the blind trust I've made the call I'm not going to unwind the blind trust until I leave Parliament," he said.

The blind trust was set up when Mr Key first became Prime Minister to hide his investments from himself - ensuring he had no possible conflict of interest.

"It's been there for eight years - I've had confidence in the people who've managed it," he said.

Essentially the trust is like a third party running his investments without him knowing anything.

"I just don't know any of the details of it and I've deliberately not known the details, a) because it's a blind trust and b) I've never wanted to be compromised," he said.

When he unwinds it, it'll be the first look at what his money has been up to for the last eight years.

"So who cares if I wait a bit longer? It's not going to make any difference."
