Have your say: Should MPs be put in public housing?

  • 23/11/2020

Green Party MP Ricardo Menéndez March has suggested all MPs should be put in public housing rather than receiving an allowance, as the current system enables wealthier politicians to become property investors.

Menéndez March, who entered Parliament following the election, acknowledges representatives need a base in Wellington, he believes there is another way to tackle the housing divide.

According to the 2020 Register of Pecuniary and Other Specified Interests, all but nine MPs own a home, with many owning more than one.

Menéndez March says MPs should be stakeholders of quality public housing, not private capital.

"So many MPs enter the role either being or becoming multiple home owners by nature of the job," he wrote on Twitter. "It is no wonder major parties protect the interests of wealthy property investors when so many benefit from the status quo."

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