Kiwi soldier Dominic Abelen body not recovered in exchange, fellow US soldier's remains returned

The body of a Kiwi soldier killed in Ukraine has not been included in an exchange that saw the return of the remains of a US soldier he was fighting with. 

CNN is reporting the body of American soldier 24-year-old Joshua Jones had been returned to Ukranian custody

Jones was killed in a firefight alongside New Zealander Dominic Abelen in August. The American's remains were returned during a two hour ceasefire in the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine released a Russian soldier in return. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade told Newshub in a statement that Abelen's body had not been returned at the same time. 

"We are aware of reports that the body of a US serviceman killed in Ukraine has been returned," an MFAT spokesperson said.  

"The remains of Dominic Abelen were not included in the latest exchange."

The New Zealand Government has not been able to say where Abelen's body is. 

Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta previously said there is a chance New Zealand may not be able to retrieve his remains

"There is a high prospect sadly that we may not recover his body," she said earlier in October. .  

The Ministry said it would not comment further on consular cases for security and privacy reasons. .

"Consular officials are in close contact with the family of Dominic Abelen. We are engaging with relevant agencies on the ground to work through the most appropriate next steps."