Patrick Gower hits out at 'desperately cynical' teachers' strike leaders

  • 14/06/2023

Patrick Gower is hitting out at those leading New Zealand's secondary teachers' strikes, saying they look "desperately cynical".

Discussing the latest rolling industrial action, which started earlier this week, Gower said the major issue was leaders designing "a cynical strike to cause maximum pain and fear among parents".

Speaking to AM hosts Ryan Bridge and Laura Tupou, the Newshub journalist said the strikes were not putting students at the forefront.

"Look at the way they're lining this up coming into NCEA," Gower said.

"My message is - to the strike leaders - to start thinking about our tamariki for a change.

"I know there's a crisis in the education system but this just looks like a desperately cynical strike to me, and that strikes fear into the heart of me.

"The message is to the strike leaders and the teachers and the Government: actually sort this out… let's get going, let's get these kids back to school."

Watch the full video for more.