Transport Minister David Parker confirms road user charges coming for electric vehicles

  • 18/08/2023

Transport Minister David Parker has admitted it is unfair electric vehicle road users are getting a free pass from road user charges.

The Government has exempted EVs from the charges to encourage people to buy them as they come with a higher price tag than petrol vehicles. However, since the Green Car Discount has made EVs more affordable, owners are scheduled to lose their exemption from road user charges. 

"It's not fair," Parker told co-host Ryan Bridge on AM. "Everyone has to pay their fair share." 

Parker confirmed the charges will come into effect in March next year unless the Government delays it.

"Cabinet is yet to make a final decision on that but it's imminent and you'll know that before the election," he said.

The National Party has also confirmed it would make EV drivers pay road user charges if elected.

Parker's comments come after the Government proposed to increase fuel taxes by four cents per litre every year for the coming three years to help pay for improvements to New Zealand's transport network. 

Each four-cent per litre increase is equivalent to an additional cost per week of 88 cents for the average motorist, according to the Government. By July 2026, when the full 12-cent increase has come in, the additional cost will be $2.64 per week.

"This is a record investment in transport - we need it. I think most New Zealanders know you just can't magic the money," Parker said.