Election 2023: Winston Peters' NZ First likely back in Parliament but National doesn't need them, early results show

NZ First looks like they are heading back to Parliament but National doesn't need them, according to early voting results.

Preliminary results show Winston Peters will likely make it into Parliament with around 6 percent of the vote and eight seats.

But the results so far show he isn't in the kingmaker position polls poised him in, with National and ACT polling at around 63 seats combined – above the threshold to govern.

However, speaking from Northland, Peters appeared to be happy with the results so far.

"When we first said a few years ago that we are going to make a comeback they all laughed at us. Well, they're not laughing now are they," Peters said.

"We've always known that in great democracies, then the people who are elected and all those officials must be held to account. Our purpose is to keep them honest and to raise a roof when others won't raise a finger and I can promise you, that what New Zealand is going to get out of tonight's election where NZ First is concerned."

He thanked his party members who do not look like they will make it into Parliament for their hard work but noted there's always the next election.

"Hang on, because there's election 2026 and we're getting ready for it," Peters said.

He ended by telling his supporters to have a great night.

"We have done the impossible."