Election 2023: Helen White's majority in Mt Albert shrinks on recount, Te Pāti Māori extend margin in Tāmaki Makaurau

Helen White.
Helen White. Photo credit: Newshub.

The final recount results from the election have come through, confirming the seat results for Tāmaki Makaurau and Mt Albert.

The results, published by the District Court, showed neither electorate recount resulted in a change in MP.

Helen White retained the Mt Albert seat over National's Melissa Lee, the margin decreasing by two votes to 18, compared to the Electoral Commission's official result published on 3 November.

Takutai Tarsh Kemp retained the Tāmaki Makaurau seat, increasing from a four-vote margin in the final results to a 42-vote margin.

The preliminary results from election day suggested Labour's Peeni Henare had retained the seat, but the official results - which included special votes and vote checking processes - gave it to Kemp by just four votes.

Both recounts were started at 9am on Monday 13 November, with the result unveiled by the courts just over two days later.

The only other recount from the 2023 general election - of the Nelson electorate votes - was published last Friday, and confirmed Labour's Rachel Boyack in the seat.

That recount - conducted from 11am on Thursday 9th - reduced Boyack's margin over National's Blair Cameron from 29 votes in the official count to 26.

The judicial recounts are carried out in the presence of a judge, scrutineers from both parties involved, electoral officers and counting staff - with all votes counted by hand.

Where confirmation was required about the status of an informal vote, this was determined by the judge in front of the scrutineers.

The deadline for applications for a recount closed on Wednesday 8 November.