New Government looks 'hypocritical' for having 28 ministers despite promising spending cuts - Bryce Edwards

  • 28/11/2023

Political commentator Bryce Edwards is calling the new Government "hypocritical" for having 28 well-paid ministers while saying it wants to cut back on wasteful spending. 

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is set to meet with his freshly minted cabinet ministers for the first time on Tuesday. 

The group of 20 Cabinet ministers from National, ACT and New Zealand First will take their seats on the 10th floor of the Beehive. The new Government also has another eight ministers outside of Cabinet. 

However, the Government is under fire from Edwards - who questioned Luxon's "extraordinarily large" team. 

"I think this does get the Government off onto the wrong foot," said Edwards, the political analyst in residence at Victoria University in Wellington. 

"They've campaigned and got into Government on the basis of clamping down on Government waste and they've promised to cut thousands of public service jobs. 

"I think there will be some support for cutting wasteful spending but by starting by awarding themselves the biggest team ever. I mean, this is Cabinet ministers being paid $300,000 a year, those outside of Cabinet another $250,000 - I think it will look hypocritical for a lot of people." 

Luxon announced his Cabinet on Friday and told them during a swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday they had been "entrusted with a massive responsibility". 

"I ask that you never lose sight of one thing, which is why we came to Parliament in the first place, and that is to do public service," Luxon told ministers. 

Since becoming National Party leader, Luxon has slammed the now-former Government for wasteful spending and on Monday promised to "deliver for New Zealanders" and "give them clear, demonstrable and measurable improvements in the quality of their lives". 

Last month, National garnered 38 percent of the vote in the general election and officially formed a Government with ACT and NZ First on Friday.