AM hosts react to Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi calling Coalition a 'Pākehā Government'

  • 29/05/2024

Lloyd Burr is questioning whether Rawiri Waititi's "Pākehā Government" comments about the Coalition is "fuelling a racial divide".  

The Te Pāti Māori co-leader made the comments while speaking to reporters on Tuesday, discussing plans for Budget Day protests.

"It's now time for us to step comfortably into our rangatiratanga and to not give too much to this Pakeha Government with their Pakeha Budget for their Pakeha economy," Waititi said.  

Burr, the host of AM, questioned whether those comments were acceptable.  

"Is that OK for him to say that? I mean, is he inciting... a racial divide there?  

"It's not really a 'Pākehā Government' when you've got eight ministers who are Māori within this Government. Just because they don't agree with him doesn't mean you can then start saying, 'Well, it's a Pākehā Government," Burr said.  

That was a view shared by fellow AM host Nicky Styris, who believed the comments were "reverse discrimination".  

"Here's my thing: Why would you hold a protest on Budget Day? Because all... the news tomorrow will be around the Budget, every news organisation is going to cover the Budget from end to end, right?  

"So, his protest is not going to get potentially the coverage that he would like in the news - I sort of feel like it could be a bit of a waste of time."  

Co-host Laura Tupou said it "sparks debate and it's a good thing to talk about".  

"I think because the outcomes for Māori are so terrible across the board, then he has every right to say it."  

Watch the full video for more.