Christopher Luxon says domestic violence police staff 'absolutely' won't be removed to bolster gang unit

  • 14/05/2024

The Prime Minister promises no frontline police staff will be removed from investigating family harm despite resources being poured into tackling gangs.   

According to the NZ Herald, Police Commissioner Andrew Coster is expected to announce a specific unit to crack down on gangs. 

There is already a dedicated team in Auckland, set up under Operation Cobalt, which has been running for two years.   

But the reported gang announcement comes as New Zealand's shocking domestic violence records are in again in the spotlight, after Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese earlier this month declared family harm in his country a "national crisis"

"Taking population into account, I think we're about on par [with Australia]," Family Violence Death Review chair Nicola Atwool said of New Zealand's domestic harm rates.  

Albanese's "crisis" message was one echoed by New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon on Tuesday morning.  

"Let's be clear... it's a pretty shameful record of family violence and violence in general against women," Luxon told AM.  

"There is a lot of work for us to do in that space - part of it is making sure that we... make sure the victims are at the heart of our justice system not the offender."  

The Prime Minister said the Coalition remained committed to the previous Government's 25-year National Strategy to Eliminate Family and Sexual Violence

"We have a shameful record - something that's not to be proud about at all," he added.  

"I can throw the word 'crisis' around in lots of things - I definitely would say it is a crisis, it is a shameful record - it is something we all collectively need to work at."  

Luxon told AM host Melissa Chan-Green domestic violence-focused police staff "absolutely" wouldn't be removed to bolster the gang unit.  

"Police take family harm and family violence incredibly seriously," he said.  

"Part of the solution is, short term, how do we get tougher on offenders? But equally, the other part is... the hard, long-term work around social investment."  

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