Green MP Julie Anne Genter apologises for 'physically intimidating' MP in Parliament

Green MP Julie Anne Genter has apologised to Parliament for "physically intimidating" behaviour toward an MP during a debate on Wednesday night.

As the House was debating transport policy, Genter rose from her seat, approached Minister Matt Doocey with a stack of papers and yelled at him while standing over him.

Chair of the committee Barbara Kuriger intervened, telling Genter to resume her seat.

Speaker Gerry Brownlee was recalled to the House to rule on the matter, after a request from National MP Scott Simpson.

Genter apologised for her behaviour saying: "If I could apologise for my actions, Mr Speaker it was the last thing that I wanted to do to intimidate anyone in this house."

"What has absolutely motivated me is a desire to share information that I believe would be of benefit to everyone in this House, and I'm very sorry if, in my passion to do so, I was intimidating. That was not my intention."

Brownlee asked Genter to clarify what she was apologising for.

"It is totally inappropriate for there to be debate that can be, and any actions that can in any way be considered intimidating," he said.

"That is why, Mr Speaker, I'm apologising, that I was physically intimidating. That was not my intention and I will not do that in the future," Genter said in response.

Newshub understands the National Party is likely to lodge a privileges complaint about the matter.

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