Trial of former Justice Minister Kiri Allan over car crash starts today

Former Justice Minister Kiri Allan.
Former Justice Minister Kiri Allan. Photo credit: Newshub

Warning: This article discusses suicide.

The trial of former Justice Minister Kiri Allan is set to begin today after she pleaded not guilty to charges relating to a car crash in Wellington last year.

In July, Allan was charged with careless driving and refusing to accompany a police officer after allegedly crashing into a parked car on Evans Bay Parade. An infringement notice was also issued for excess breath alcohol between 250 and 400mcg.

The former East Coast MP denies the charges and earlier told the NZ Herald she wanted to test an apparent grey area in the law about the right to consult a lawyer.

It's been reported she requested to speak to a lawyer, both before and after her arrest.

The judge-alone trial is due to begin in the Wellington District Court on Wednesday morning.

Late last year, Allan opened up about the night that ended her career. Posting on social media, she said it was "time to be honest about what has happened for me as a consequence of the most public breakdown and screw up from a person charged with one of the highest responsibilities in our country as a Cabinet minister".

"I had gone to end it all finally, in a last bid attempt to find hope, I drove, I crashed and made the front pages nationally and internationally for quite some time. I quit my career and had to get some intensive help which lasts to today.

"The reality for me after screwing up publicly, having a MH [mental health] breakdown in the most public sense possible is that after the initial reactions of the public expressing their outrage or sorrow (or whatever in between), your phone stops ringing. Doors shut constantly in your face. Your 'mates' stop returning your messages."

She said while last year had been the "toughest" year she's ever had - it's also been the "biggest unwanted gift" she's ever received.

"A forced stop which requires going deep into the places I've never wanted to venture into before. It's the hardest thing I've ever done and far outweighs the public humiliation and shame I feel from the evening of the breakdown and crash."

Despite that, Allan also called it the best year she's ever had in her adult life having established a relationship with her daughter and family.

"An odd juxtaposition from above where I've described this as the most challenging year of my life."

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