Government to improve and increase number of specialist classrooms

  • 14/06/2024
Education Minister Erica Stanford.
Education Minister Erica Stanford. Photo credit: Newshub.

The Government is increasing the number of specialist classrooms for students with additional needs. 

It's funding $89 million as part of this year's Budget towards redeveloping and increasing specialist facilities for students with high needs. Under the funding, three specialist schools in poor condition will be upgraded and 17 special classrooms on host school sites - aka satellite classrooms - will be added. 

Finance Minister Nicola Willis and Education Minister Erica Stanford received a standing ovation from teachers after they made the announcement on Friday morning at Sommerville Special School in Auckland - one of the three schools to be upgraded. 

Sommerville Special School's redevelopment will include 22 new teaching spaces with connecting walkways and canopies, more parking and fresh building and infrastructure to house the new co-funded hydrotherapy pools and equipment. 

"A report recently released by the Education Review Office (ERO) highlights that some of our most vulnerable learners are in classrooms that are in a terrible condition," Stanford said. 

"I was horrified to learn about the unacceptable state of specialist school property and the long wait lists of more than 650 children, following significant underinvestment in maintenance and growth." 

The Government will also include specialist schools and satellite classrooms in network planning for the first time. 

"A specialist schools work programme is also underway to ensure children get the critical services they need. This work is part of the Government's six education priorities to deliver a world-leading education system," Stanford said. 

The Government has made several education announcements this year. They include reintroducing charter schools, recruiting and training 1500 more teachers, changes to the school lunch programme and rolling out structured literacy.  
