Government to introduce tougher penalties for serious crimes

  • 26/06/2024

The Government will introduce tougher penalties for serious crimes, according to Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith.

Goldsmith, in a statement on Wednesday, laid out a plan to "ensure criminals face serious consequences for crime and victims are prioritised".

The statement said reforms would include capping sentencing discounts at 40 percent, preventing repeat reductions for youth and remorse and introducing a new aggravating factor for serious retail crime.

Reforms would also beef up the principles of sentencing, so judges must "take into account any information provided to the court about victims' interests".

The reforms set out a "sliding scale" for early guilty pleas, "with a maximum sentence discount of 25 percent, reducing to a maximum of 5 percent for a guilty plea entered during the trial".

Crime became a crucial issue for political parties during last year's election campaign.

The Coalition earlier this week introduced a revised Three Strikes Bill - a controversial law repealed by the previous Labour Government that hands three-time serious offenders with the harshest sentences - back to Parliament. The Beehive was expected to give the Bill the green light through the backing of Coalition parties National, ACT and NZ First.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has said he made "no apologies for being tough on crime".

Goldsmith said on Wednesday there was diminished confidence "in the ability of our sentencing system to deter and denounce offending".

"In recent years, there has been a concerning trend where the courts have imposed fewer and shorter prison sentences despite a 33 percent increase in violent crime.

"This Government is committed to restoring law and order in New Zealand and that means ensuring that offenders face serious consequences for their criminal actions.

"The changes we are making send a strong message that victims are the priority of this Government rather than offenders."
