National, Labour lose support in new poll, support for Christopher Luxon plummets

  • 11/06/2024
Labour leader Chris Hipkins has surpassed Christopher Luxon in net favorability.
Labour leader Chris Hipkins has surpassed Christopher Luxon in net favorability. Photo credit: Getty Images

Christopher Luxon's popularity has taken a hit following this year's Budget as voters' support for the Prime Minister falls, according to a new poll. 

The Taxpayers' Union released its Curia Poll for June on Tuesday, which found both major parties lost support. 

National was down 1.9 points on last month to 35.4 percent, while Labour slightly dropped 0.6 points to 29.4 percent. 

The Greens remained in third place, up 2.5 points to 17.7 percent, while ACT was relatively unchanged on 9.7 percent - up 0.3 points. 

Support for New Zealand First slightly increased by 0.1 percent to 5.6 percent and Te Pāti Māori was up 0.9 points to 4 percent. 

For the minor parties, Outdoors & Freedom was on 1.3 percent, TOP was on 0.8 percent, Vision NZ was on 0.5 percent, the New Conservatives were on 0.1 percent and the combined total for all other parties was 0.5 percent. 

Translated to seats in Parliament, assuming all electorates are held, National would still require the support of ACT and NZ First to form a Government with a combined projected seats for the centre-right bloc of 63. 

The combined projected seats for the centre-left were up two seats on 58. 

How the results would translate to seats in Parliament, assuming all electorate seats are held.
How the results would translate to seats in Parliament, assuming all electorate seats are held. Photo credit: Taxpayer Union-Curia poll

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has surpassed Luxon in net favorability after the Prime Minister dropped 13 points this month to -5 percent. 

It puts Luxon behind Hipkins, who was up four points to 3 percent. 

Both David Seymour and Winston Peters saw drops in their net favourability from last month to put them on -18 percent (-11 points) and -19 percent (-14 points), respectively. 

Curia Market Research Ltd conducted the poll for the NZ Taxpayers' Union. Curia is also the company that carries out National's internal polling. 

It was a random poll of 1000 adult New Zealanders and is weighted to the overall adult population.  

The poll was conducted by phone (landlines and mobile) and online between June 4 and 6, 2024, has a maximum margin of error of +/- 3.1 percent and 4.4 percent were undecided on the party vote question. 
