Analysis: Newshub's Political Editor Jenna Lynch says Luxon 'must stick' to his policy promises otherwise 'it becomes a trust issue for voters'

Newshub's Political Editor Jenna Lynch has warned National Party leader Christopher Luxon that he will lose voters' trust if he repeatedly changes his policy messaging. 

After the Reserve Bank announced a 75 basis point hike on Wednesday, the National Party announced its policy to cut the top tax rate was under review.

It comes off the back of a week where "he couldn't quite figure out his policy on the clean car standard," she said. 

Also on the panel was Director at Franks Ogilvie Brigitte Morten, who said, "a key part of National's platform for next year is about being responsible fiscal managers. They have put it onto the table that they're willing to make the hard decisions, which they had to do this week" by reconsidering their policy to cut the top tax rate.

Watch the full panel for more. 

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