Video: Man nails impersonation of Warriors fans after losing

  • 08/03/2016
Video: Man nails impersonation of Warriors fans after losing

A man's video impersonating the ways fans react to a Warriors loss has gone viral on Facebook.

Warriors fan Josh Gage had his video posted to fellow fan the Mt Smart Joker's facebook page where it's been shared 561 times and garnered 854 likes.

In the video, Gage's impersonation includes the 'Too hot fan' who uses the excuse that they aren't used to the Australian heat, the 'Put me on' fan who regularly thinks they could do better than professional athletes and the 'Basics' fan who just wants the team to execute, well, the basics.

Gage nails the parody so well it's likely you've heard some, if not all, of these phrases at some point on the Mt Smart terraces.

How many of these fans do you know?
