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WBC heavyweight championship - Deontay Wilder (c) v Luis Ortiz
Wilder is 41-0-1 with 40 knockouts / Ortiz is 31-1 with 26 knockouts
Result - Deontay Wilder via knockout round 7.
Wrap - That is what seperates Wilder from any other heavyweight on the planet. He was out-boxed for almost seven full rounds and then the first time he lands flush with the right the fight is over. That is the 'Baddest Man on the Planet' ladies and gentlemen. Tyson Fury is next early next year. Make no mistake about it, Wilder is the legit heavyweight champion of the world - Ortiz is the best technical fighter in the division and dominated Wilder for a majority of the 17 rounds they fought - he lost twice. good luck Tyson Fury.
Round 7 - Wilder lands a left hook to the body and another one. Straight left lands for Ortiz ... Wilder with a nice hook lands. They clinch and seperate. Stiff jab lands for Wilder and a straight right lands. Wilder more busy now but not making a serious dent in Ortiz's defence. Ortiz backs Wilder up and lands a double jab. Wilder lands a left hook to the body but Ortiz lands a big left and Wilder is hurt .... body shot lands for Ortiz but he misses with a left and Wilder lands a huge right and that's the fight!!! Ortiz is out!! Just like that! Wow - just wow. That is world class power - world class. Fight changing power. Wow!
Round 6 - Wilder fast approaching the point of no return where he nedse a stoppage to keep his title. Wilder with a nice jab to open the round. Not much happening here .... Ortiz crusing as he lands a nice overhand that is parried by the Champ. Wilder lands a jab, but Ortiz lands a left hook. Big left from Ortiz is blocked by Wilder. Wilder misses a jab and Ortiz counters with a body shot and will take that round on being more active. Newshub score: Ortiz 10-9
Round 5 - Wilder needs to pick up the pace. Ortiz lands a powerful left but Wilder shakes it off and is back behind his jab. Ortiz looks super confident. Lead hook is bloked by Ortiz ... Wilder throws a big right but Ortiz is not there. Ortiz lands a nice left to Wilder's body and then a nice jab that gets Wilder's attention. Ortiz jabbing well and Wilder looks lost. The Champ just misses a big right but Ortiz lands a right hook to clinch the round for me. Newshub score: Ortiz 10-9
Round 4 - Wilder lands a lead left hook followed by a jab. Ortiz closes the distance and lands a big left - Wilder smiles at him. Ortiz lands a counter left off a big Wilder right and then follows witha nice combo and Wilder pounds his chest - he should punch him instead of taunt. Wilder back behind the jab but it's more a paw than a stiff punch. Ortiz lands a nice jab and body punch. Wilder throws a right but it's blocked by the Cuban. Ortiz lands a couple body shots to end the round and I've got the champ down by four rounds. Newshub score: Ortiz 10-9
Round 3 - Ortiz backs Wilder up with a straight left and then follows with a right to the body. Wilder looks asleep .... Ortiz lands a nice jab followed by another but misses with a big right hook. Ortiz with an overhand left lands followed by a left to the body of Wilder. Wilder throws a right that lands but Ortiz eats it well and continues to walk down the champ and land a left to the body as the round ends. Newshub score: Ortiz 10-9
Round 2 - Ortiz is cut high on his head from an accidental headbutt. Wilder pawing that jab again to start the frame. Ortiz looks super confident and very loose. Wilder looks very tight and nervous. The Champ lands a right but it's parried by Ortiz. Wilder misses with a big left hook but lands a body right. Even round so far .... Wilder working that jab much better in this frame as he lands another flush jab. Ortiz walking forward and lands a left as he crowds Wilder but the American circles out nicely and lands a jab on the way out and ends the round with a jab. Slow pace to this one so far. Newshub score: Ortiz 10-9
Round 1 - Wilder is such a huge human ... Ortiz must get in close. Wilder pawing at the challenger to start but Ortiz looking to throw that big left hand. Ortiz with a right hook to the body, Wilder replies with a right to the body. Ortiz lands a nice left on Wilder's chin that breifly stunned him and Wilder ties up. The champ is okay. Wilder very cautious to start as he lands a job to the body. Ortiz lands another straight left to the jaw as the round comes to an end. Newshub score: Ortiz 10-9
6:02pm - Wilder making his walk wearing gold with white trim - his walkout gear looks like it would have cost him $6 from the $2 shop ... just saying.
6:01pm - Ortiz making his ring walk wearing white shorts with silver trim.
5:55pm - Luis Ortiz ready to make his ring walk ... the 40-year-old aiming to become the second oldest fighter to win a heavyweight world title. George Foreman was 45 when he knocked out Michael Moorer.
5:45pm - Santa Cruz wins the WBO super featherweight title via unanimous decison .... okay lets get ready for some heavyweights. Should be good to go at 6pm as planned.
5:40pm - Final round of the co main event ... Santa Cruz well in front at this point so should leave with the strap.
5:37pm - Here's a little flashback of how close Wilder came to losing back in March 2018.
5:18pm - Here is an audio preview from one of the best fight analysts in the game.
5:01pm - The champ getting those final touches before war.
4:51pm - Flores is a huge underdog for this one against a guy with just one loss in 38 professional fights in Santa Cruz who is looking at a fourth world title - he is the current WBA featherweight champion.
4:50pm - Here is a little visual reminder of what Wilder can do if he finds your jaw.
4:48pm - Co main event coming up:
Vacant WBA super featherwight title - Miguel Flores v Leo Santa Cruz
4:35pm - King Kong in the house ......
4:20pm - The heavyweight champ in all his glory .......
4:18pm - Wilder's predictions for the fight include a lot of violence
4:14pm - Luis Ortiz's coach on just how much in shape the Cuban is.
4:05pm - Deontay Wilder's younger brother Marsellos was knocked out in his prelim fight - that can't have been a nice thing for the WBC champ to watch.
2:55pm - Hi folks - expecting a walk in time between 5pm and 6pm depending on the prelims. We will have coverage of a couple of those fights for you from 4pm.
Hello fight fans and welcome to live coverage of the rematch between WBC heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder and challenger Luis Ortiz
It's a fight 18 months in the making after Wilder's sensational stoppage of the Cuban in March 2018.
In one of the fights of the last decade, Wilder recovered from a horror 7th round, where he almost succumbed to the power and precision of arguably the best in-ring technician of the heavyweight division.
But the American survived and ended up dropping Ortiz in the 9th round before finishing 'King Kong' off in the 10th.
It marked the first professional loss of Ortiz's career, but he has bounced back with three-straight wins and earned a shot at redemption.
Wilder remains undefeated after a razor-close split draw with Tyson Fury last December which was followed by the brutal knockout of Dominic Breazeale in May.
A win for the 'Bronze Bomber' today and a rematch with Fury awaits in February.
TAB Odds
Deontay Wilder via points decision - $7.50
Deontay Wilder via stoppage - $1.33
Luis Ortiz via points decision - $14.00
Luis Ortiz via stoppage - $5.00
Draw - $26.00