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12:03am - There you have it - victory for Joe Parker, but far from impressive and I have to say the judge who scored the fight 119-109 needs a new job. Onwards and upwards from Joe, but hard to see him getting back to the top of the division with a performance like that. Haven't seen the end of Junior Fa either - he'll be back for sure.
Heavyweight main event - Joseph Parker (27-2) v Junior Fa (19-0)
Result - Joseph Parker via unanimous decision (119-109, 115-113, 117-111)
Round 12 - Here we go with the final frame. They touch gloves. Joe closing the distance and Fa moves out and lands a couple of nice shots. Joe lands a right. Fa works the body with a couple short hooks in close. Short right misses for Fa. Parker looks frustrated with the clinching. Junior lands a right, Parker counters with a one-two. Fa lands a heavy right in the clinch. Parker with a left as the round and fight ends. Newshub score: Fa 10-9 but Newshub scores the fight 115-113 for Parker. Close though so expect anything.
Round 11 - Corner really going to work on the eye of Fa. Junior lands a couple of nice jabs. Glancing right lands for Fa. Parker works the body in the clinch. Joe with a short left hook lands - nice shot. Joe lands a big right hand that catches Junior who clinches. Joe comes in and lands a short left. Joe works the body and looks for a big right but he is countered with a big uppercut from Fa. Joe pressing hard here. Fa lands a decent right hook. Joe looking for more body work as the round ends. Another close round. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 (106-103)
Round 10 - Fa works the body to open and then lands a big right hand that forces Joe to clinch. Fa throws a nice combo on the inside - mostly parried by Joe. Lots of clinch work in this round - both guys slowing down. Joe throws that big right hand again but only glances of Fa - but Junior's eye is getting worse. Big cut on the corner of his left eye. Fa lands a big right hand down the middle, but Joe eats it as the round ends. Close. Newshub score: Fa 10-9 (94-96)
Round 9 - Uppercut by Joe glances Fa. Parker with a jab to the body. Fa with a nice one-two. parker fires to the body in the clinch. Fa lands a one-two. Fa works a right to the body of Joe. Joe with a hook to the body of Fa in the clinch. Fa whiffs on a big right hand. Fa bleeding from above his left eyebrow. Fa lands a right hook in close. Pakrer with a big overhand right lands and now he goes to the body and then again up high. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 (87-84)
Round 8 - Junior back in the fight now on my card. Right hand left uppercut lands for Fa. Parker looking sloppy. Junior lands a nice left hook. Joe with a lead left hook - nice shot. Joe lands a big right hand over the top followed by a left. Fa wobbled for a second. Fa whiffs on a one-two. Fa with a long right just misses. Parker lands a jab and a shot to the body. Straight left lands for Fa as the round ends. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 (77-75)
Round 7 - Fa whiffs on a right and Parker lands a heavy left hook. Fa with a short right hand a Joe closes the distance. Joe whiffs on a big right hand - ugly shot. Fa lands a couple shots in the clinch. Parker with a double-jab lands. Fa working the body as Joe lands a nice jab. Short left lands for Fa as Parker comes in. Fa doing a great job of frustrating Joe at the moment. Joe looks sluggish. Joe with an overhand glances Fa - good shot as the round ends. Close. Newshub score: Fa 10-9 (66-67)
Round 6 - Fa lands a big left hand that wobbles Joe for a second. Short right hand lands for Fa as Joe comes in. Fa lands a right hand counter - great start to the round for Junior. parker rips to the body - good shot that. Joe with a stiff jab rocks Fa's head back. Fa lands a couple of short right hands on the clinch. Right hook from Fa backs Joe up but he recovers quickly. Fa doubles up on the jab and then he lands another decent right hand. Left hook glances Parker's chin. Joe lunges in with a lazy left as the round ends. Newshub score: Fa 10-9 (56-58)
Round 5 - Joe looks super confident and has really got into his work nicely. Junior lands a jab to the body but Parker counters with a right. Left hook lands for Joe but Fa shakes it off. Stiff jab lands for Joe. Fa lands a couple of jabs and a glancing right hand. Parker to the body lands hard. Fa lands a chopping right hand in the clinch - good shot that. Parker lands a jab and a left hook. Quiet round, but close. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 (49-46)
Round 4 - Fa lands a jab then a right to the body to open the frame. Joe comes in swinging with a ugly right and misses. Fa to the body lands hard and again. Joe works the body now as Junior ties him up. Fa slowing down and his mouth is open which is a sign of fatigue. Fa lands a nice left hand to the chin. Parker comes in to clinch and Fa lands a couple short right hands. Parker walking forward and lands a long jab and a short right to the body as the round ends. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 (39-37)
Round 3 - Fa pawing out that left hand and he turns it into a lead left hook - nice. Parker lands to the body and then doubles up on his jab. Parker falls short on a big right hand. Big jab rocks Fa's head back and he follows with a right. Parker working the body - he's really controlling the pace. Big right hand over the top lands for Fa - who is wobbled. He clinches in a bid to recover. Fa lands a glancing right hand on the break. Jab lands for Joe and he follows with a left hook upstairs and a right to the body as the round ends. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 (29-28)
Round 2 - Fa looks super calm and confident. Parker to the body as he forces Fa back to the ropes. Fa happy to clinch. Parker doubles up on his jab - lands nicely. Fa to the body lands as Parker replies with a nice shot himself. Parker throws a right hand that lands. Parker settling in now. Fa with a right to the body. Parker forces Fa back and lands a body shot and then a decent right hand. Double jab for Joe lands. Parker finding his range now as the round ends. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 (19-19)
Round 1 - Here. We. Go. Fa looking quick to start, pawing out his big jab. Parker forces Fa back to the ropes but they break. Fa misses with a big left.....Parker chasing him a bit and Fa is looking evasive. Fa lands a short right hand as Joe comes in. Fa over the top with a right hand in the clinch. Parker setting the pace, but Fa looking slick. Joe whiffs on a body shot and a big right. Jab to the body lands for Fa. Parker to the body lands. Right hand then left hook from Fa wobbles Joe as the round ends. Newshub score: Fa 10-9.
11:07pm - Fa wearing black with gold trim, Parker black with sliver trim.
11:05pm - Both men now in the ring - not too far away from battle.
11:03pm - Joe coming out to 'In the Air Tonight' and a medley of a few other jams.
11:00pm - Fa coming out to 'Don't Worry be Happy' - nice choice. Doug Viney and Eugene Bareman in his corner.
10:55pm - So this fight is for Fa's WBO Oriental heavyweight title - fun fact. Junior Fa about to make his way to the ring.
10:50pm - Okay - so three national anthems - yep - three. Tongan, Samoan and New Zealand.
10:45pm - So with ring walks to come, and potentially the national anthem - it could still be 10 or so minutes before we see some action.
10:41pm - Just a couple minutes away now - last bit of fun before seven days at home.
10:33pm - So about 10 minutes away from the ring walks.
10:26pm - Okay - up next is the big one. Joseph Parker v Junior Fa in a top 10 heavyweight clash.
10:20pm - Hemi Ahio is an excitement machine and has a ton of potential. He beat a tough journeyman tonight and that will serve him well as his future progresses.
Heavyweight: Julius Long v Hemi Ahio - 8 x 3 minute rounds
Result: Ahio via knockout Round 7
Round 7 - Good work in close from Ahio - Long lands a short uppercut. Left hook, uppercut lands for Ahio and a ling right hand. Long cracks Ahio with a heavy left hand but Hemi looks fine and lands a huge right hand but Long is still standing. Crazy. Ahio whiffs on a looping left. Short right lands for Ahio as Long counters with a left. Ahio losing steam. Chopping right hand lands for Ahio as Long counters. Left hand lands for Ahio that wobbles Long and a big right hand lands - the big guy is down as Ahio lands a huge left hook and that's it! Wow!
Round 6 - Combination lands for Ahio to open - lovely boxing that. Ahio whiffs on a big left but lands a right. Counter left lands for Long and a uppercut that backs Hemi up. Ahio back to it and has Long in the corner as he lands a left hook that is partially blocked. Body shots land for Ahio and Long backs out. Ahio slips a right and lands a hook to the body. Right hook lands for Hemi. Left the the body lands. Again, ref calls a halt, More loose tape on Ahio's gloves. Long right hand lands for Ahio and a vicious body shot. Long still standing but he doesn't have much left as the round ends. Newshub score - Ahio 10-8 (58-54)
Round 5 - Long looking confident to open the round. Ahio lands a body shot and a big overhand as Long backs up. Big right lands for Ahio. Right hook lands for Ahio...Long's chin is granite. Ahio lands a big right that would have floored a regular human. Left hook lands - Long now glued to the corner and won't move, Ahio lands to the body - all Hemi now. Ref calls a halt to the action to get some tape cut on Ahio's gloves. Back underway - left hook wobbles Long and he back up to the ropes. Ahio lands a right hook and now chops to the body. Right lands for Ahio as he slips a left. Big right hand lands for Ahio as the round ends. Newshub score - Ahio 10-9 (48-46)
Round 4 - Ahio works the body and forces Long back into the corner. Fighting in a phone booth at the moment. Left hook lands for Ahio but he whiffs on a right and he's down as Long cracks him with a right. 8 count. Ahio looking to get that back - Long throws out the jab as Ahio lands a left hook. Right hook lands for Long heavy - Ahio looks tired. Body shot lands for Ahio. Right hook then a left hook for Ahio but Long avoiding the big shots. Jab landing for Long as Ahio slips and lands a right. Round ends. Newshub score - Long 10-8 (37-38)
Round 3 - Left hook is blocked by Long. Ahio works the body in close. Left hook in the pocket lands for Ahio as Long pushes him off. Ahio ripping to the body of Long in close. Left hook is parried by Long. Ahio throws a short right hand - Long replies with a clubbing left hand. Right hand lands for Ahio as Long fires back with two big shots. Ahio shakes it off. Right hook lands for Ahio as Long lands a thudding left hook in reply. Long picking his shots. Long lands a nice right. Close round. Newshub score - Ahio 10-9 (30-27)
Round 2 - Uppercut on the inside lands for Ahio. Long backing up as Ahio throws a big right but misses. Right then a left lands for Ahio - he's throwing with bad intentions. Left hook lands for Ahio but Long is eating these punches. Right hook, left straight lands for Ahio. Big left hand lands for Long to stop that onslaught. Ahip going to the body now. All action this. Ahio slowing down a bit....Long clinches and throws a left, Ahio whiffs on a big left hand. Round ends. Newshub score - Ahio 10-9 (20-18)
Round 1 - Long is 7ft 1!!! Ahio the shorter man lol. The Aucklander stands 6ft on the dot.
Bit of an ugly scrap to start. Long looking to clinch and lean on the smaller man. Long sticking out that jab as Ahio looks to get inside. Body shot lands for Ahio. Left hook-right hand lands for Ahio. Long continues to probe with the left. Long throws a right but doesn't connect. Ahio lands a left hook. Short uppercut lands for Ahio as they break. Right hook lands for Ahio hard. Long against the ropes but steps away. Short left hook lands for Ahio as Long whiffs on an uppercut. Round ends. Newshub score - Ahio 10-9.
9:35pm - Up next will be heavyweight prospect Hemi Ahio v Julius Long. I got big wraps on Ahio. He trains at City Kickboxing and is Mike Tyson-like in style and stature.
9:30pm - Maio is not happy and the shot did glance the back of the head, but Maio was ducking into it. Anti-climax at it's worse, but it is what it is
Cruiserweight: David Nyika v Jessie Maio - 6 x 3 minute rounds
Result: Nyika via TKO Round 1.
Round 1 - Nyika's jab looks sweet. Right hand and Maio is down just like that and the fight is over. Looked like the back of the head, but the referee was fine with it and counted Maio out.
9:26pm - Near-five-inch reach advantage for the 2x Commonwealth champion.
9:24pm - And now it's David Nyika making that walk for the very first time.
9:22pm - Jessie Maio makes his way out to the ring - 3-0 as a professional.
9:20pm - David Nyika about to make his first professional ring walk.
9:13pm - Not to far away now from David Nyika's pro debut.
9:08pm - Auckland going into a Level 3 Lockdown at 6am, Sunday - rest of the country at Level 2 for seven days. Good times.....
8:56pm - There will be a 15 minute delay until the next fight as an earlier bout was cancelled.
8:55pm - Up next will be the professional debut of Commonwealth Games gold medallist, David Nyika as he takes on Jessie Maio.
8:52pm - If you haven't heard - the PM has a press conference at 9pm. Auckland could be heading for another lockdown. Click here to watch.
Cruiserweight: Nik 'The Greek' Charalampous v Panuve Helu - 6 x 3 minute rounds
Result - Nik 'The Greek' Charalampous and Panuve Helu fight to a split draw.
8:42pm - So as thought - a very close fight and the judges agreed. Split draw. Helu's coach Doug Viney is disgusted by the decision.
8:36pm - Super close final frame. Charlampous won the first minute, but Helu came on strong at the end. Could be a draw here or could go either way. Newshub score - 57-57 for a draw.
8:32pm - Helu looks out of gas. Charlampous all over him that round with pressure and good output. Helu still leads on my card, 48-47
8:28pm - Much closer round with 'The Greek' picking up his output. He may have done enough there, although he did get cracked with a lovely one-two from Helu, who leads 39-37 on my card.
8:23pm - Helu cracked Charlampous with a vicious uppercut towards the end of the round, but 'The Greek' didn't flinch. Close round, but Helu gets it for me. He's up 30-27 on my card.
8:20pm - Another comfortable round for the CKB man - up 20-18 on my card.
8:17pm - Good first round for Helu - rocked Charalampous late in the round and was very effective with his jab and short hooks to the body.
8:10pm - UFC champ in the house just a week away from attempting history in Las Vegas.
8:05pm - Up next is City Kickboxing-trained Panuve Helu against Nick Charalampous in the cruiserweight division. Helu is a knockout artist with 11 in his 12 wins.
7:51pm - Pampellone improves to 3-0 with that. He is a super promising pro prospect. He took David Nyika to a split decision in the amateur ranks last year.
7:49pm - Pampellone puts Amouta away with seconds remaining in the first round - a vicious body shot followed by a flurry upstairs and that's all she wrote.
7:41pm - Coming up is the first televised match of the night - Jerome Pampellone v Anthony Amouta over four rounds.
7:25pm - Richie Hadlow has beaten Obedi Maguchi via TKO in the third bout of the night.
7:17pm - Hello fight fans - Brad Lewis with you for the big fight tonight. Two bouts have already taken place at Spark Arena. Wins for Phil Tele'a in a corperate fight and John Parker, brother of Joe, who was victorious over Egelani Taito.
Main card
Catchweight - 86kg: Jerome Pampellone v Anthony Amouta - 4 x 3 minute rounds
Result: Pampellone via TKO round 1
Cruiserweight: Nik 'The Greek' Charalampous v Panuve Helu - 6 x 3 minute rounds
Result - Nik 'The Greek' Charalampous and Panuve Helu fight to a split draw.
Cruiserweight: David Nyika v Jessie Maio - 6 x 3 minute rounds
Result: Nyika via TKO Round 1
Heavyweight: Julius Long v Hemi Ahio - 8 x 3 minute rounds
Main Event - not before 10.30pm
Heavyweight: Joseph Parker v Junior Fa - 12 x 3 minute rounds
Super heavyweight: Phil Tele'a v Niro Iuta - 3 x 2 minute rounds
Result - Tele'a via unanimous decision
Light heavyweight: John Parker v Egelani Taito - 4 x 3 minute rounds
Result - Parker via unanimous decision
Catchweight - 62kg: Richie Hadlow v Obedi Maguchi – 4 x 3 minute rounds
Result - Hadlow via TKO
Hello folks and welcome to Newshub's live coverage of Joseph Parker (27-2) v Junior Fa (19-0).
This heavyweight boxing showdown has serious stakes with the winner likely just a further win away from a world title fight later in 2021.
For Parker, the former WBO heavyweight champion, nothing less than a dominant win will suit as he looks to bounce himself back into the spotlight and the conversation for big fights in the next 12 months.
Lose and it's a long way back to the heights of 2018 when he fought Anthony Joshua for three of boxing's four big titles.
Meanwhile, Fa faces his stiffest test in 19 professional fights. The Auckland boxer has compiled an excellent undefeated record since turning professional back in 2016, but Parker provides his first fight against an elite heavyweight.
A win for Fa and he could be fighting for a title as soon as his next fight. The 31-year-old is currently ranked fifth in the WBO and eighth in the IBF, but having Parker on his record will propel him to a big-money fight - potentially for the WBO title.
TAB odds: Joseph Parker $1.12, Junior Fa $5.50
Pre-fight banter
Bizarre gloves saga continues on eve of Kiwi heavyweight showdown
Bickering between respective camps has continued on the eve of the long-awaited heavyweight boxing showdown between former world champion Joseph Parker and local rival Junior Fa in Auckland.
While the fighters themselves appear to have an amicable relationship dating back to a shared 2-2 record as amateurs, their training and management teams have been at loggerheads throughout the build-up to their encounter.
Much of that has centred on which gloves would be used in the bout, an issue that threatened to derail early negotiations.
Bigger Fa ready 'to do the job' in Parker showdown
Watch: Parker reacts to dire warning before Fa showdown
Parker prefers to use a specific brand that he's always worn, but Fa's representatives have insisted they both wear the same gloves into the ring.
That suspicion over gloves has erupted again after the weigh-in for Saturday's event, with both camps pointing fingers and calling names during what should have been final formalities.
After the weigh-in, both teams met with local and international professional boxing representatives to sign off on the agreed factory-made gloves.
Each fighter brings three sets of gloves, but only one is ever used. Fa's trainer - Eugene Bareman - asked Parker for one of his spare sets as a souvenir and duly received them.
But Parker's trainer, Kevin Barry, reportedly objected and insisted the gloves be given back, sparking renewed anxiety over what he was hiding.
"These are meant to be factory gloves," Bareman tells the NZ Herald. "I should be able to go into a shop or order them online, if I wanted a pair to cut open and see what was in them.
"It's just highly suspicious behaviour."
Fa's manager, Mark Keddell, says: "What are they hiding that they then wanted them back so desperately?"
Parker's manager, David Higgins, insists the incident was perfectly innocent.
"Kevin didn't want to give them a $500 gift the day before the fight," he tells the Herald. "The gloves were inspected by officials and signed off by Eugene - the rest is bullshit."
But the disagreement may still force the two camps into another meeting on the morning of the fight to iron out their differences.