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Wrap: What a flawless performance from the champ. Vettori really had no buisness thinking he belongs as an elite middleweight and Izzy proved that this afternoon.
Adesanya calling out former champion Robert Whittaker for a rematch in Auckland later in the year.
"I don't know what will happen with all this COVID shit, but if he wants to run that back, we will do it in Auckland - my territory. Do you know why? Because i'm the mother f***ing king of this place."
Adesanya of course won the title from Whittaker a couple of years ago in Melbourne.
5:21pm - Izzy pays tribute to Fau Vake after the fight and lays the belt down for his fallen friend.
UFC middleweight title - Israel Adesanya ( 20-1) v Marvin Vettori (17-4-1)
Newshub fight score: Adesanya via decision (49-46)
Result: Israel Adesanya via unanimous decision (50-45, 50-45, 50-45)
Round 5 - Head kick from Izzy is blocked but he lands a leg kick. Marvin in a deep shot ... Izzy defends and pummels. Marvin has Izzy against teh cahe with double unders .... Izzy staying calm. Marvin drops levels looking for the single leg - Izzy defending well and he seperates and lands an uppercut. head kick lands for the champ. Vettori with a long left hand but whiffs. Izzy misses on a right hand.Leg kick lands for Izzy. Uppercut lands for Izzy but he misses a huge hook. Marvin lands a nice right hand with Izzy off balance - Izzy coasting. Marvin shoots and again he is deep on the underhooks but Izzy stands straight back up. Marvin winning this round potebtially but he needs a finish. Double unders for the Italian with Izzy against the fence and the referee seperates. leg kick lands for Izzy and a right hand. head kick just misses for the champ. Front kick lands for Izzy as the clock runs down - marvin shoots for some reason and the fight comes to an end. That's a wrap and a pretty good performance form the champ.
Newshub score: Vettori 10-9
Round 4 - Marvin shoots and Izzy sprawls then lands a big hook followed nu a heavy leg kick. Leg kick again from the champ. Marvin backing the champ up but not doing anything with that pressure - Marvin shoots and is on a double - Izzy defends, but Marvin gets the takedown - Izzy sweeps!!! He stands back up and says 'Bring it'. Marvin lands a right hand then shoots on another takedown but Izzy defends. Izzy doubles up on the leg kick and lands both. Jab lands for Izzy. leg kick lands for Vettori - nice shot. Jab lands for Izzy and a short right. Front kick lands for the champ. Leg kick for Marvin lands. Izzy throws a left hook then a leg kick...lovely combo. Marvin pressuring but Izzy is bouncing away from trouble. Head kick just misses for Izzy as marvin shoots but Izzy defends well. Marvin desperate for the takedown but can't secure it. He will ride the round out against the fence...good defence from the champ and he has another round in the book.
Newshub score: Adesanya 10-9
Round 3 - Power shot from Izzy top open the round and he gets the takedown this time and has haf guard. Izzy kind of let him get that - wasn't prepared for it. Marvin gets the back as Izzy rolls and he looks for the choke, but Izzy reverses and he's on top. Big shot from Izzy from top and Marvin rolls for a leg lock but Izzy escapes. Uppercut lans for Izzy and a big leg kick. Another heavy leg kick lands for the champ. Vettori lands a jab - good shot that. Izzy lands another leg kick and another. Head kick from Izzy just misses. Marvin explodes with a leaping left that lands. Izzy lans another leg kick but misses on a head kick. Leg kick from Izzy drops Vettori but he's back up. Izzy throws a front kick - it lands low. And Marvin will get a breather although the round is almost over. Izzy gets a warning from the ref. Closer round but Izzy shaved it with his output.
Newshub score: Adesanya 10-9
Round 2 - Leg kick lands for Izzy and another. Head kick from Izzy almost gets through. One-two from Vettori lands but he whiffs on a big left. Leg kick from Izzy. and another to that lead leg as Vettori shoots on teh champ and has his hands clapsed. Izzy lands an elbow in defence and he seperates. Left hand misses for Marvin. Head kick blocked by Vettori. Izzy evading most of the offence coming his way. Straight right lands for Izzy. head kick just misses for Izzy. All the pressure coming from Marvin but he can't get anything off. Leg kick lands for Izzy. Marvin shoots against the cage and has the double unders again - Izzy throws an elbow - Marvin sticking to it but Izzy's defence looks good as he seperates again. Marvin advances and just misses on a left as Izzy lands a big head kick to end the round. Champs round for sure.
Newshub score: Adesanya 10-9
Round 1 - Here we go. Outside leg kick for Izzy to open. Marvin stalking the champ - moving forward. Leg kick lands for Vettori. Body kick for the champ but it's caught and Vettori has top control early as he earns a takedown. Izzy rolls and gets back to the feet - Marvin has the clinch with double unders but Izzy seperates and we are back standing. Leg kick lands for Izzy as he evades a left from the Italian. Leg kick again for the champ. Marvin pressures the champ but Izzy evades and lands a left. Marvin whiffs on a left and Izzy lands a leg kick. Head kick blocked by Marvin. Izzy chopping thise legs of Vettori and he lands a nice left hand. Izzt throws a shovel uppercut to end the round - he may have got that round back.
Newshub score: Adesanya 10-9
4:41pm - Bruce Buffer about to give the ring introductions - crowd went nuts for Izzy during his ring walk.
4:37pm - Izzy makes his way out wearing a samurai mask and hat.
4:34pm - Vettori looking to follow in Moreno's footsteps....Italy has never had a UFC champion before. He makes his way to the Octagon to a chorus of boos....a boovation if you will.
4:31pm - Still awaiting our main event duo to make their cage walks - maybe another 10mins from opening bell.
4:23pm - Okay up next Nigerian-Kiwi Israel Adesamya defends his middleweight strap against Marvin Vettori - should be good to go in about 10-15mins.
4:20pm - What an awesome moment and a piece of UFC history. Mexico has a storied history in combat sports but Moreno is the first Mexican born champ in UFC history. Such a cool moment.
Flyweight title - Deiveson Figueiredo (20-1-1) v Brandon Moreno (18-5-2)
Result: Brandon Moreno via submission (rear naked choke) 2:26 round 3
Round 3 - Figueiredo needs a big three rounds to get back into this one. Low kick lands for Moreno as Figueiredo throws a leaping left hook that misses. Moreno in for the takedown and gets it - he rolls to the back and has a full body triangle on the champ with one arm around the chin. More than two minutes left in the round and Moreno locks in a full rear naked choke and Figueiredo taps! New champ! The first ever Mexican born UFC champion. Awesome.
Round 2 - Big jab lands for Moreno but Figueiredo is in deep on the takedown and secures it - he's looking for a choke, but doesn't have position so gives up on it for now. The champ has half guard and one arm around the neck of Moreno waiting for a chance to lock in a choke. He's slowly rolling around but Moreno rolls with him and kicks off. Back to the feet and Moreno now looking for a takedown and has the champs back. A couple knees to the butt land for Moreno and he gets the takedown and has the back - the champ rolls and gets full guard back - great jujitsu from both guys. Moreno looking sharp - he's on top and controlling the action. Figueiredo lands an elbow from the bottom and creates a mouse on the outside of Moreno's eye - that could become a concern a little later. Moreno still in control in the champs guard. Round ends with Moreno on top.
Newshub score: Moreno 10-9
Round 1 - Here we go. UFC gold on the line. Moreno looking to work the jab early. The champ is looking calm. Moreno looks for a long left hook but Figueiredo avoids. Left hook by Moreno clips the champ. Figueiredo lands a shot to the body. Moreno busy on offence to start. Moreno pawing the jab out looking for a reaction. Short steo in elbow lands for Moreno. One-two body-head lands for Moreno. Hook kick misses for the champ and he gets rocked and dropped with a left hand from Moreno and he jumps on top. The champ sweeps and gets back to his feet - nice. Switch kick lands for Moreno as the round ends. Hard to score that a 10-8 but maybe it was - the champ barely through a strike in anger.
Newshub score: Moreno 10-8
3:51pm - These two warriors fought to a crazy draw back in December with Moreno coming razor close in dethroning the champ.
3:47pm - Okay, next up the first of two title fights with flyweight champ Deiveson Figueiredo looking to defend his strap against Brandon Moreno.
3:45pm - Nate Diaz never fails to entertain and that last round was epic. he needed another minute or so and he would have finished Leon Edwards, but it wasn't to be.
Five round welterweight feature: Leon Edwards (18-3-1) v Nate Diaz 20-12
Result: Leon Edwards via unanimous decision (49-46, 49-46, 49-46)
Newshub fight score: Edwards 49-46
Round 5 - Edwards out with a big one-two to open and then drops Nate with a leg kick. He's straght back up. Diaz walking forward lands a short right hand. Edwards lands a strong left hand - he sat down on that and nailed Nate. Diaz still game as hell but he's getting smashed. Left hand lands for Nate and Edwards is backing up - another left lands and he pushes Edwards back to the fence - he should seperate, but he has the clinch - over-unders. Edwards breaks out and looks recovered. They exchange a combinations and Diaz landed heavier there. Edwards counters a jab with a heavy right hand. Right hand lands and Edwards is rocked - Diaz follows up with a couple of huge right hands and Edwards is wobbly. One-two lands for Nate - seconds remaining. Right hand lands for Nate but Edwards clinches. Right-left kands for Nate as Edwards backs up and the round and fight ends! What a finish by Diaz after a near flawless performance from Edwards but he ran out of time. Newshub score: Diaz 10-9.
Round 4 - They exchange to open the round and Diaz lands a hard right hand. Edwards a little shock up by that shot but recovers quickly. Big left hand lands for Edwards and that rocks Diaz who then gives Edwards a thumbs up - funny. Leg kick lands for Edwards - he is outclassing Diaz tonight. Edwards lands a straight left and drops Nate witha leg kick - he's straight back up. Another short left hand lands for Edwards. Jab lands for Nate but Diaz lands a lovely straight left hand that shakes Edwards. Edwards whiffs on an overhand. Diaz lands a jab and avoids a counter right. Diaz's cut is getting nasty. Edwards lands a big right hand followed by a short left and then avoids the counter shot. Diaz whiffs on a right hand as the round ends.
Newshub score: Edwards 10-9
Round 3 - Big left hand lands for Edwards as Diaz throws a kick. Edwards lands another leg kick to the lead leg. That right leg of Diaz is mush. Body shot lands for Edwards as Diaz throws a heavy long left that whiffs. Edwards clinches and secures a takedown easily - he has half guard and throws a couple short shots to the dome of Diaz and cuts him open with a big elbow. Diaz stands and walks away, Diaz is a bloody mess as they are back to the feet. Diaz slaps Edwards. Jab lands for Diaz as he throws uo the double bird at Edwards. Edwards clinches and has double underhooks and circles for the takedown and lands it. Diaz rolling for a leg again but it's not there. Edwards has the back - Diaz's face is a mess of cuts and blood. Nate stands back up and Edwards lands a big spinning elbow that Diaz dismisses as the round ends.
Newshub score: Edwards 10-9
Round 2 - Big leg kick lands for Edwards - those are starting to add up. Nate looks a little sketchy on that lead leg. Nate throws a one-two hook combo but whiffs. Diaz lands a hook but Edwards counters with one of his own. They exchange hooks again but Edwards landed cleaner. Diaz gets aggressive and lands a left but Edwards clinches and forces the action against the cage and secures a takedown. he has half guard but Diaz quickly back to full guard - Diaz rolls for a leg lock but Edwards escapes but they are back on the feet. Leg kick lands for Edwards - a big one and Nate's leg is compromised. Edwards lands a nice right hand. Left hand and right hook lands for Diaz. Diaz looks for a takedown but Edwards reverses as the round ends.
Newshub score: Edwards 10-9
Round 1 - Crowd going buts for Diaz. Edwards pushing Nate back with pressure, but no strikes yet. Diaz explodes with a combo but Edwards backs away staying super calm and he lands a big low leg kick on Diaz's lead leg. Another leg kick lands for Edwards. Edwards slips a right and lands a short left hook. Leg kick lands for Nate. Long left hand clips Diaz as Nate starts to call Edwards in. Diaz lands a right hook and they clinch. Edwards the bigger guy wins that battle and pulls Nate to the ground and has his back. Diaz an expert grappler under Renzo Gracie has been in this spot 1000 times before. Diaz scrambles but he gives up his neck - Edwards looks to get a choke locked in but Diaz rolls. Edwards stays on top and lands a heavy left hand and Edwards lets Nate stand up as the second tick down.
Newshub score: Edwards 10-9
3:03pm - Don't be confused by Diaz's record - he is as tough and skillfill as they come and one of the top five superstars of the sport. A massive PPV draw after his amazing two-fight epics with Conor McGregor. Edwards is a genuine contender for the welterweight title and could be next for Kamuru Usman if he gets the nod tonight.
3:01pm - A message to home from Brad Riddell
Welterweight: Demain Maia (28-10) v Belal Muhammad (18-3-1)
Result: Belal Muhammad via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
Newshub fight score: Muhammad 29-28
Round 3 - Muhammad throwing out the jab as Maia gets in on a takedown shot, but it's not even close. Muhammad throws a right hand and that stings Maia...and he throws a second that hurts him. High kick is blocked ny Maia. Overhand left whiffs for Maia and he then shoots and it's stuffed again. Maia throws a nice left hand, but he's fading. Muhammad reaching on a left misses but he lands a nice jab. Maia lands a stinging right hand counter. Head kick is blocked by Maia who shoots for the single again, but Muhammad stuffs it. Another takedown attempt, but Belal defends the single - Maia presses against the fence looking for this much elusive takedown. Not a great fight this - Maia drops levels looking to secure this takedown but Belal's defence holds and he should .... should get the win.
Newshub score: Muhammad 10-9
Round 2 - Straight left for Maia lands - Muhammad looking a little hesitent with that takedown threat right there. Belal can't close the distance as he doesn't want to get too close. Maia shoots but Muhammad stuffs it. Leg kick lands for Muhammad as Maia shoots again but again Muhammad stuffs it. Left lands for Maia but Belal replies with a big right hand. Maia lands a jab but Belal lands a stiff right hand in reply. Left hook lands for Belal....Maia gassing badly. Maia gets in on the legs again, but Belal's defence is excellent, Maia pressing against the cage, but he can't secure the takedown. Supurb takedown defence. Round ends - tough to score.
Newshub score: Muhammad 10-9
Round 1 - Muhammad on the outside waving out his jab. Maia shoots but it's not there. 30 seconds later he shoots again and has a single leg. Belal bouncing around on one leg against the cage...Maia switches to the double leg and secures the takedown against the cage. Not where Belall wants to be as he wall walks back to the feet and seperates from Maia and the fighters are back standing. Belal throws a wild right hand that misses. Maia in deep on a takedown again but Muhammad's defence is excellent. They seperate from the clinch again as Muhammad lands a leaping left hook. Maia looking for the takedown again, but Muhammad's balance on the single leg defence is outstanding as he defends again. Maia presses Belal against the fence as the round ends. Uneventful.
Newshub score: Maia 10-9
2:33pm - Maia is a legend of the sport with 22 wins in 32 fights inside the Octagon. Muhammad is unbeaten in two years and has won 8 of his last 10 bouts. This is a massive moment for his against one of the greatest submission artists in UFC history.
2:30pm - Up next a feature welterweight bout between UFC veteran Demian Maia and rising contender Belal Muhammad.
2:28pm - That was horrible refereeing. How could he not see the arm snap. Credit to Hill for being to tough for his own good, but he is now no longer defeated.
Light heavyweight - Paul Craig ( 14-4-1) v Jamahal Hill (8-0-1)
Result - Paul Craig via TKO at 1:59 of round one.
Round 1 - Slow pace to start as they feel each other out. Craig clinches and gets in deep on the takedown but Hill fights it off....Craig pulls guard and locks in an arm triangle - Hill is out of out but Craig locks its straight back up and Hill's arm snaps! Referee doesn't see it and Craig tells him....referee says fight and Craig throws a few elbows and now he stops the fight. Horrible job from the ref - that elbow is dislocated. Ewww.
2:20pm - Plenty of feeling between these two as they exchange a few words as Craig enters the cage.
2:15pm - Hill is a rising star in the 205 pound division, but this will be a true test against a veteran on the tough Scotsman Paul Craig.
2:07pm - Main card is next - starting with a light heavyweight scrap between Paul Craig and Jamahal Hill.
2:05pm - The Italian Dream Marvin Vettori is in the house.
2:05pm - That was a hell of a fight. Dober is as tough as they come, and very rarely loses standup fights. Riddell showed his toughness and his pinpoint striking in the best fight of the night so far and one of the fights of the year in 2021.
2pm - Yes boy! Riddell gets the nod and pays tribute to his fallen friend Fau Vake - RIP Fau.
Lightweight - Brad Riddell (9-1) v Drew Dober (23-10)
Result: Brad Riddell via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28,29-28)
Newshub fight score: Riddell 29-28
Round 3 - Massive round coming up here for Riddell...needs to win this. Riddell rocks Dober with a huge right hand but Drew stays on his feet somehow. Dober shoots but Brad stuffs well in defence. They seperate. Leg kick lands for Dober. Right then a left lands for Riddell. Inside leg kick lands for Brad and a nice shot to the body. Big right hands for Brad. Slower pace in this round. Brad clips him with a left hook - Drew replies with a jab. Body kick lands for Riddell. Stiff jab lands for Dober but Riddell replies with a body kick. Dober shoots but Riddell stuff it - he's winning this round. Body kick lands for Riddell. Elbow over the top lands for Riddell as Drew lands a left. Straight right lands for Dober. Straight right lands for Brad. Dober wobbled by a huge right hand and follows witha left and Dober shoots - Riddell scrambles and finishes on top with strikes. He got this.
Newshub score: Riddell 10-9
Round 2 - Left hook lands for Brad to open the round and he follows with a right. Dober clips Brad with a left and stuns him - may have broken Brad's nose. Riddell lands a huge right hand and Dober shoots hard for a takedown and gets it. Brad fighting back to his feet and reverses position and is now in deep with a single leg. Good defence from Dober stopping Brad from securing the takedown. Brad lands a knee in the clinch and an elbow over the top. Dober throwing hard but Riddell ducks under and gets the takedown and secures it. Full mount for Riddell but Dober gets back up. Riddell throws a right - this fight is crazy good. Riddell ducks a left and lands a big shot himself. Body kick lands for Riddell and a right hook to the body. Stiff right hand lands for Riddell - he looks fresher at this point. Riddell ducks a combi and lands a huge hook over the top but Dober;s chin is granite.
Newshub score: Riddell 10-9
Round 1 - Big fight for Brad as he looks to break into the top 15. Big left hook lands for Riddell to start and he follows with a leg kick. Both guys swinging hard to open up. Body kick lands for Riddell. Dober rocks Brad with a big left hand and follows with another left - Riddell in on the shot as he looks to recover. Great sprawl from Dober, but Riddell remains deep on the takedown and gets it briefly. Dober back up but Brad still has control. They seperate as Brad lands an elbow. Right hand lands for Brad, but Dober counters with a hard left hook. Hook to the body for Riddell but he cops a huge left hand and looks in trouble - he recovers quickly. Cut on Brad's forehead. Long right hand lands for Riddell. Inside leg kick from Brad is countered but he follows with a hard left hook and a right. Big right hand from Riddell but Dober eats it - Brad fires another big right hand to end the round.
Newshub score: Dober 10-9 but late momentum swing for Riddell.
1:33pm - Okay so this should be fireworks - two elite strikers in action.
1:31pm - No issue with that result - up next Kiwi Brad Riddell in action.
Light heavyweight - Eryk Anders (13-5-1) v Darren Stewart (12-6-2)
Result: Eryk Anders via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-27, 29-27)
Newshub fight score: Eryk Anders 29-27
Round 3 - Anders lands a stiff left hand to open the round. Stewart looking a little more aggressive so far. Leg kick lands for Stewart and he shoots and gets a takedown but Anders reverses and has top position. He stacks Stewart and wings a few punches from up high and he drops into side control. Andres lands a couple short elbows and breifly looks for an arm triangle but it's not there. Anders looking in control on the ground, throwing short srikes from the top. Stewart looks a little lost in theis half guard spot. Anders lands a couple hammer fists as Stewart tries to turn but Anders rolls with him and is looking again for the arm triangle but he gives up on that to throw more strikes. Anders has mount now and throws a couple big shots as Stewart rolls to his back. Half guard again and Anders lands another big shot. Stewart trying to stand up and he's getting nailed with heavy lefts from Anders but time is up. Newshub score: Anders 10-8
Round 2 - Anders throws a long left hand is looking to pressure Stewart. Anders shoots and has Stewart against the cage ... oh oh. This is so weird watching to heavy handed dudes grapple badly. Anders has control, but Stewart has a knee free to thrown some knees and he does as the referee seperates them. Leg kick for Stewart as Anders shoots again but Stewart defends well - Anders has control, but Stewart reverses - they seperate and Anders lands a nice left hook. Wild left hook from Stewart and Anders ducks under and looks for the takedown - not there though and we are back to the fence position. Anders throws a couple knees to the body but Steward reverses position and they seperate again. Leg kick lands for Stewart. Anders with a left hand and gets back in on the takedown and again Stewart defends. Back to the cage position - this fight is horrible. Stewart defends a single leg, and they seperate again. Anders throws a ling left again and a nice knee as the round ends.
Newshub score: Anders 10-9
Round 1 - Don't blink in this one - two heavy strikers to do battle. Long left lands for Anders. Stewart fighting from the outside - not engaging. Leg kick lands for Anders but Stewart replies with a heavy one himself. Clinch for Stewart and his double underhooks - looking to wear on Anders, not looking for a takedown. Anders pummels and breaks the underhook clinch and reverses position. Anders level changes and looks for the takedown but Stewart fights it off. Anders in control now - crowd is shitting all over this - nothing really happening. Knee lands for Anders in the clinch but Stewart powers into a takedown and has half guard. Anders striking from the bottom as Stewart looks to ride out the round. That was hard to watch.
Newshub score: tewart 10-9, but could go either way.
1:05pm - These two fought to a no-contest in March after an illegal knee from Anders prevented Stewart from being able to continue. Stewart is 5-6-2 in the UFC, Anders is 5-5-1. Should be a barnburner this.
1:02pm - No issues with that scoreline - Murphy now likely to get a title shot next time out.
Women's flyweight - Lauren Murphy (14-4) v Joanne Calderwood (15-5)
Result: Lauren Murphy via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Newshub fight score: Lauren Murphy 29-27 but the scorecards could be all over the place
Round 3 - Calderwood opens with a powerful right hand but Murphy stays composed. Front kick just misses for JoJo but she lands a stiff jab. Another jab lands and a kick to the body by JoJo - she's looking to be very aggressive here. head kick just misses for Calderwood. Murphy shoots but doesn't land the takedown - body kick lands for Calderwood as they seperate. Calf kick lands for Calderwood as Murphy throws a jab to the body. Jab lands for Calderwood. Clinch and JoJo lands a couple of elbows and knees. They seperate - Murphy looks gassed, Big right hand lands for JoJo - she's winning this round. Murphy lands a couple nice right hands over the top. Jab lands for Calderwood and a nice right hand, left hook combo. Spinning back first just misses for JoJo but she's got this round as it ends. Newshub score 10-9 Calderwood.
Round 2 - Long right hand lands for Calderwood as Murphy shoots deep on a single leg and forces Calderwood back to the fence. Murphy has double unders and drags Calderwood to the ground and she steps in to an awkward mount against the cage - she pulls the legs back and has full mount. Calderwood rolls against the cage and has half guard but Murphy has a hook in with her right leg and has half of Calderwood's back. Calderwood defending well from quarter mount but Murphy has tied up a hand. Calderwood rolls and recovers half guard - she looks very heavy on top - much stronger. Murphy with half guard and an elbow leaning on Calderwood's face. Calderwood looking for a kimura from half guard but it's not there. Murphy dominant on top here as she throws a couple hammer fists from half guard as the round ends.
Newshub score: Murphy 10-8
Round 1 - Both ladies striking from the outside ... nothing's really landed through a minute. Murohy lands a spinning back-fist. Left hand lands for Murphy as she gets in deep on a takedown attempt and forces Calderwood back to the cage. Knee lands in the clinch for Murphy and as they seperate Calderwood lands a kick to the body. Sharp left hook lands for Murphy and a power right hand as Calderwood throws a straight kick. Low kick lands for Calderwood and another. Right hand whiffs for Calderwood but she lands a counter right. Left hook for Murphy lands. Murphy doubles up on the jab and just misses on a big right over the top. Calderwood clinches and lands two big elbows over the top. They seperate and Calderwood lands a heavy body kick. Spinning back elbow lands for Calderwood but Murphy eats it. Round ends.
Newshub score: Murphy 10-9 but very close round.
12:39pm - Murphy is riding a four fight win streak and is 6-4 in the UFC, while Calderwood is 7-5 isnisde the Octagon.
12:37pm - This is a legit flyweight title elminator with the winner likely to be next for champ Valentina Shevcenko - who is pretty much unbeatable so good luck with that.
12:34pm - Brad Riddell looking good to go for his big fight against Drew Dober.
12:33pm - Okay so all three judges only gave Evloev a 10-9 first round. It was pretty close to a 10-8 for mine, but the most important thing is they got the result right.
Featherweight - Movsar Evloev (14-0) v Hakeem Dawodu (12-1-1)
Result: Movsar Evloev via unanimlous decision (29-27, 29-27, 29-27)
Newshub fight score: Evloev 29-26
Round 3 - Dawodu having some success on the feet in this round - using feints to confuse Evloev who is looking hesitent on the takedown. Dawodu stuffs a takedown and lands a hard calf kick. Evloes shoots and misses as Dawodu lands a nice right hand. Left hook from Evloev and it's sloppy - he looks tired. Dawodu lands a lobely left hook and body shot combo. Short right just misses for Dawodu as he shakes off another takedown attempt. Left hook lands for Hakeem and a right as he drops Evloes breifly and lands a huge right hand and Evloev is in trouble...but the Russian shoots and lands a huge takedown - massive moment as Dawodu was close to a finish. Dawodu fights back to his feet but the pressure is constant and that'll end the round and the fight. Newshub score: 10-9 Dawodu
Round 2 - Evloev expodes with a right hand that whiffs but he follows through with a takedown and is straight into back control. Grappling clinic so far. Dawodu explodes from the bottom and gets back to the feet, but Evloes is relentless and has another takedown and again turns Dawodu and has back control as he looks to sink in a neck crank but Hakeem fights it off. Crowd not liking the action but Evloes is doing enough to keep the fight on the ground. Dawodu turns to try and reverse position but Evloes rolls with it and keeps position - just a beautiful display of ground control. Not a fun fight to watch but an absolute clinic. Evloes flattens him out and lands a big right hand, Hakeen rolls and Evloes rolls with him agauin and keeps control as the round ends. Newshub score: 10-8 Evloev
Round 1 - Big overhand right to open up for Evloev - faking the shot and came in over the top but Dawodu shakes it off. Evloev shoots and is deep on the lef of Dawodu... Hakeem fighting it off and is back to his feet but Evloev has the back and slams Dawodu to the mat and still has back control. Dawodu back to the feet again but is taken straight back down as Evloev locks in his hooks and is looking for a neck crank. Dawodu fights it off but he's still in an awful spot with Evloev smothering him and controlling from the seated back position. Dawodu trying to turn into Evloev to get position but the Russian is elite in the grappling department. Dawodu explodes and is back up, but Evloes takes him down again as the round comes to an end.
Newshub score: 10-8 Evloev
12:04pm - Evloev is undefeated including a 4-0 UFC record. He's a dominant grappler with a decent standup game. Dawodu is 5-1 in the UFC, and is riding a five fight win streak. He is a dynamic striker with knockout power.
Two future contenders looking to break into the top 10 if the division.
12:01pm - First up today is a featherweight tussle between Movsar Evloev and Hakeen Dawadu.
11:59am - The early prelims are done and included amongst those fights was a lightweight record seven-second finish which you can watch below.
11:47am - While you're enjoying our fight coverage today, have a listen to the latest episdode of Newshub's fight Club podcast - a great companion for today's action.
11:31am - The champ has arrived early to support teammate Brad Riddell who is due to fight around 1:30pm.
11:27am - We have just witnessed the fourth fastest knockout in UFC history as Octagon newcomer Terrance McKinney starched Matt Frevola with a vicious one-two combo.
UFC 263 card
Middleweight title - Israel Adesanya v Marvin Vettori
Flyweight title - Deiveson Figueiredo v Brandon Moreno
Five-round welterweight superfight - Nate Diaz v Leon Edwards - Edwards via unanimous decision (49-46, 49-46, 49-46)
Damian Maia v Belal Muhammad - Muhammad via unanimpous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
Paul Craig v Jamahal Hill - Craig via Technical submission (broken arm) - round 1
Prelim card
Drew Dober v Brad Riddell - Riddell via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Eryk Anders v Darren Stewart - Anders via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-27, 29-27)
Lauren Murphy v Joanne Calderwood - Murphy via split decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)
Movsar Evloev v Hakeem Dawodu - Evloev via unanimous decision (29-27, 29-27, 29-27)
Pannie Kianzad v Alexis Davis - Kianzad via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
Matt Frevola v Terrance McKinney - McKinney via KO at 7 seconds of round 1
Chase Hooper v Steven Peterson - Peterson via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
Fares Ziam v Luigi Vendramini - Ziam via majority decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-28)
Carlos Felipe v Jake Collier - Felipe via split decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)
Kia ora fight fans and welcome to Newshub's live coverage of UFC 263 from Gila River Arena in Glendale, Arizona.
Nigerian-Kiwi Israel Adesanya will look to defend his middleweight title for the third time when he takes on Marvin Vettori in the main event.
The two are no strangers to each other having fought back in April 2018, when 'Stylebender' took a split decision win.
Vettori has long disputed that result and gets his chance to prove he is the better man three years later, riding a five-fight win streak, although only two of those have come against ranked opponents.
Adesanya is looking to bounce back from his first professional MMA loss suffered back in March when he came up short in a tilt at the light heavyweight title against Jan Blachowicz.
But the 31-year-old remains unbeaten as a middleweight and has beaten a who's who of the decision including Paulo Costa. Robert Whittaker, Yoel Romero, Kelvin Gastelum and UFC legend Anderson Silva.
Elsewhere, teammate Brad Riddell looks for his fourth straight UFC win when he takes on Drew Dober in the lightweight division.
And two epic fights to precede the main event with Nate Diaz returning to the cage against soaring welterweight contender Leon Edwards and Deiveson Figueiredo defends his flyweight title against Brandon Moreno in a rematch from their epic draw back in December.