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WBC & Lineal heavyweight boxing titles: Tyson Fury (30-0-1) v Deontay Wilder (42-1-1)
Result: Tyson Fury via knockout - Round 11
Wrap - What a fight and what a performance from the champ who was on the brink of defeat in round 4... the brink of defeat. That's the end of this rivalry with Fury the clear superior fighter - Wilder found his kryptonite - and Fury v Usyk - take my money. Usyk is the only man who could outbox the champ.
That was one of the best heavyweight fights - in termes of action - I have ever seen. Fury scored a knockdown in the third round, Wilder had two in the fourth, then Fury had another before finishing Wilder off in the 11th.
So as it stands, If Dillian Whyte wins his nex fight, he's next for Fury and then the winner of that fight will fight the winner of the Usuk v Joshua rematch.
Round 11 - No doubt Wilder hurt Fury at the end of the round - the champ has to remain cautious in his aggression. Wilder needs a stoppage to reclaim his belt. Fury backs Wilder up with a big right hand - Wilder is exhausted. Flush uppercut lands for Fury and a right, a left and a right and Wilder is down and that's the fight!!!!
Round 10 - Fury stalking the challenger to open the round - Wilder backing up looking for a home run. Fury lands a lovely combination - quick hands from the champ. Short right hand lands for Wilder but Fury lands a few to the body in the clinch. Body shot lands for Wilder but he gets smoked by a right hand from Fury and he hits the canvas. he's back up at six and the fight continues. Fury in for the kill and has Wilder against the ropes .. bug shot to the body lands for Fury. Wilder clinching to stay in this - right uppercut lands clean for Wilder but Fury replies - Wilder hurts Fury with a flurry of punches to end the round. Newshub score: Fury 10-8
Round 9 - Got my maths wrong - I have Fury up 76-73 at this point. Wilder lands a big right hand as they seperate from the clinch - Fury chucked his head out there and Wilder landed. Left hook lands for Fury and several body shots. Fury with another left hand as Wilder clinches. Short left hook lands for Fury on the inside. Wilder clinching at will. Wilder whiffs on a right as the champ lands a lead left. Wilder's face is a mess... and he looks out of it. Right hand over the top lands for Fury but Wilder lands a bug uppercut as the round ends. Newshub score: Fury 10-9
Round 8 - Double jab for Fury to open. He's stalking Wilder now, who looks to be huntinh a counter right hand. Jab and a big right hand lands for the champ - all Fury at this point. Wilder sneaks a right hand through the guard of the champion. Left hook lands for Fury and a right hand - Wilder is in trouble again. Fury looks to be in superb fighting shape. Right hand over the top lands for Fury and another. Jab lands for Fury and another - Wilder looks done, but Fury is taking his time. Wilder's left hook is blocked and Fury evades a left hand as the round ends and that's another in the books for Fury and he takes the lead on my card. Newshub score: 10-9 Fury
Round 7 - I have Wilder up 57-56 at the halfway mark thanks to the 10-7 fourth round. Fury looking light on his feet land a couple of jabs. Wilder walks forward like a zombie and swings hard but Fury avoids - nothing pretty about this fight folks but it's really good. Two big hands land for Fury and he backs the challenger up again. Fury to the body lands and then throws an uppeecut to the body. Wilder over the top with a right hand, Fury replies with a one-two. Huge right hand lands for Fury and a massive uppercut as the ropes hold Wilder up - he clinches and the referee breaks them up. Jab and a right hand don't land for Wilder and that's the round. Newshub score: Fury 10-9
Round 6 - Lead left counter lands for Fury - good shot that. Sloppy overhand from Fury is blocked. Wilder throws hard in the middle but Fury replies and clinches. More clinch action as the fight has slowed in this round. Fury has his second wind as he lands a big right hand but Wilder, tough as nails, fires back. Right, then a left lands for the champ, but again Wilder replies - Fury lands an uppercut to back Wilder up and the American looks gassed. Fury putting the pressure on now as he forces Wilder against the ropes and lands a couple of shots. Newshub score: Fury 10-9
Round 5 - Epic fight so far. Wilder swings hard but Fury counters with a big left hand - Wilder clinches. Crazy fight. Fury looks to have his legs back, but lost that last round big. Fury lands a heavy right hand and Wilder is stunned again - he clinches and Fury lands an uppercut in the clinch. Wilder backs Fury up now and lands to heavy right hands against the retreating champion. Jab from Wilder lands. Fury whiffs on a right hand. Double jab from Wilder followed by his trademark right but he can't connect as the round ends..i have no idea how to score that lol. Newshub score: Fury 10-9 but another swing round.
Round 4 - Wilder was saved by the bell for sure and he still looks wobbly. Fury looking for the finish but needs to be careful. Fury lands a lead left - Wilder looks shaky. Right in the clinch lands for Wilder - referee warns both fighters for punching on the break. jab lands for Fury and then he unloads with a combo against the ropes. Wilder whiffs on a fight-ending right hand, but he lands a huge right hand as Fury comes in and Fury is down!!! He is back up at eight. Wow. Wilder looking for the kill now as they both swing hard and Wilder lands short on the inside and Fury is down again. He's back up at seven and the round ends. Holy crap this is awesome. Newshub score: Wilder 10-7
Round 3 - Body work to open for Fury. Short left lands for Fury as Wilder comes in. Wilder whiffs on a home run right hand. Fury blocks a right hand and then lands a shot to the body. More clinch work from Fury and they seperate. Referee warns Fury this time. Wilder slips a left and lands a right hand that backs Fury up but the champ clinches to recover. Stiff jab and a lefy lands for Fury but Wilder lands a big right hand to back him up again. Wilder lands inclose, but he's caught with an uppercut on the inside and a hook over the top and is down for an eight count. Fury with another uppercut rocks the challenger and he has him in trouble .... bell goes and saves Wilder as Fury was a few ounches away from victory. Wow! Newshub score: Fury 10-8
Round 2 - That shot from Fury stunned Deontay. Back out for the second. Jab from Wilder, but Fury walking forward for the first time and Fury catches him with a left hand. Wilder tees off with a right over the top and then a shot to the body. Nothing pretty about Wilder's offence but the man has power. Fury clinches - Wilder warned for punching the back of the head. Wilder looking for that big right hand again. AJ lands a clean left hook that backs Wilder up ... he clinches and they seperate.Wilder deflects a big right hand and Fury lands a counter. Left hook inside for Fury lands. Fury looking to hold at every chance. Close round. Newshub score: Fury 10-9 but is likely a swing round.
Round 1 - Here we go... chills. Wilder with a couple long jabs to Fury's body and head hunts with a couple wild shots. More body work from Wilder - his arms are crazy long. No offence from Fury yet. Fury hooks and clinches. Nice stiff jab from Wilder and he follows with a right hand that Fury avoids. Slow start from the champ. Right to the body for Wilder and then goes upstairs on the champion. Wilder boxing well - Fury working him out. Right hand lands for Fury on the counter to end the round...stiff shot. Newshub score: Wilder 10-9
4:44pm - They face off for the first time this week in the centre, surrounded by about 500 security staff.
4:45pm - Enough with all the bullcrap - we are ready to go - 12 rounds for the heavyweight championship of the world ... well one of three anyway.
4:52pm - Jimmy Lennon Jr with the fighter introductions... he wakes up every day wishing Michael Buffer wasn't a thing.
4:50pm - Fury coming out to AC/DCs Shook Me All Night Long for the win.
4:48pm - Fury coming out to some crazy Gladiator themed entrance ... bad ass. The voiceover guy - "Let this 'Dosser' face obliteration" lol.
4:47pm - And Big E does the video package for the champ too.... very cool for this WWE mark :).
4:44pm - No crazy robot costume for Wilder - quite the coat / robe though... and his trademark mask.
4:43pm - Okay - here we go. Funny thing is, ringwalks normally take like 10mins ... WWE Champion Big E with an awesome intro package for the challenger.
4:42pm - Okay .. he's left the locker room! On his way to the tunnell getting ready for the walkout.
4:41pm - So now they are saying that Wilder isn't happy with his gloves ... I mean you've had a year bro.
4:38pm - This is gamesmanship 101 - but Wilder is being a total dick by the sounds of it... refusing to walk to the ring.
4:35pm - Deontay Wilder has told officials at the back that he will walk to the ring when he is ready... not on their demand. What a dick move.
4:33pm - ..... and we still wait ...
4:31pm - Still waiting for the Bronze Bomber .......
4:28pm - Wilder will be out first - can't wait to see what type of getup he has gone for today for his walkout.
4:27pm - Team America beats Team UK in the anthem battle - banging rendition from the yank who sung Star Spangled Banner.
4:23pm - So anthems first, then ringwalks, then fighter introductions and then fight time.
4:17pm - So I just put $20 on a Wilder KO for a $80 return ... but I think Fury wins. $4 on a Wilder KO is too good to turn down. Guy is a knockout artist.
4:12pm - Ring walks scheduled for 4.30 according to the coverage - it could be earlier or later. Sweet Caroline already playing so we are getting closer! What a banger! "So good, so good, so good!"
4:11pm - That was impressive. Sanchez looks to me to be the real deal - he could be a problem for the top 10 as he is so technically flawless and he has power in spades. Be great to see him tested against someone like Daniel Dubois or even Junior Fa.
Result: Sanchez via unanimous decision (97-92, 98-91x2)
Round 10 - Final round coming up. Double jab then the big overhand for Sanchez but Ajagba blocks. Ajagba looks to go over the top but Sanchez avoids. Nice counter left lands for Ajagba - best shot of the fight for him as he catches Sanchez throwing. Left then a right lands for Sanchez as avoids the counter this time. Another stiff right from Sanchez clips Ajagba. Clinical. Round and fight ends. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-9 and the fight 99-90
Round 9 - Ajagba is very game - continues to walk forward but he doesn't have the offensive weapons at this point - at least hasn't shown them. Fight is crawling at this point. Not much happening as Sanchez looks to coast. he's a counter puncher and with no offence coming his way, he isn't expending much energy. Ajagba backs Sanchez up and lands a nice right hand but doensn't follow up. Newshub score: Ajagba 10-9
Round 8 - Wasn't a dirty shot from Sanchez - he was in the middle of a combination when he dropped Ajagba. Counter right then a left hook lands on an advancing Ajagba. Sanchez is so crisp - he is a legit prospect. Lead left hook lands for Sanchez as he backs up under Ajagba's pressure. Ajagba throws a big left hand but sanchez avoids and lands a short right hand...textbook. Not a lot happened in that round. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-9
Round 7 - Quicker pace to open as Ajagba throws while Sanchez is throwing. Noce work from Ajagba there as he got the better of it. Stiff jab lands for Ajagba - much better. Sanchez whifs on a left but lands a right hand follow. Overhand right from Sanchez misses but he doubles up to the body. Counter right inside from Sanchez - heavy shot that. Heavy right hand from Sanchez drops Ajagba and then Sanchez nails him while he was on one knee. Ruled a knockdown but a warning for Sanchez. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-8
Round 6 - Sanchez in cruise control at this point. Stiff jab lands for Sanchez - nice body shot in reply from Ajagba. Jab lands for Sanchez. Ajagba throws a right that Sanchez avoids and counters with a short left hand. Too good. Double jab followed by a right from Sanchez... Ajagba lands a nice counter left hand. Jab from Ajagba and finally gets through the defence of Sanchez with a right hand. Closer round. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-9
Round 5 - Slower pace to this round. Ajagba with pressure but not throwing. Sanchez moving to his left, circling out of trouble and landing counters. Counter left lands for Sanchez as Ajagba lands a nice right to the body. Right hand over the top lands for the Cuban and that should be another round in the books for him. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-9
Round 4 - Sanchez evades a huge right hand from Ajagba. Body shot lands for Ajagbaa - he looks more urgent now... stalking Sanchez, but he is hesitant to thrown. Sanchez lands a big counter left and then parries a counter from Ajagba. Lead short left hook lands against an advancing Ajagba for Sanchez. Ajagba works a couple shots to the body. Status quo. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-9
Round 3 - Right hand of the jab for Sanchez but Ajagba parries. Ajagba looking to work the body of Sanchez. Another right over the top from Sanchez but Ajagba takes it like a champ. Left then right lands for Ajagba. Huge counter right lands for Sanchez, Ajagba stunned for a sec but recovers quickly. That was a big shot. Sanchez with a lead hook lands. Ajagba sticking in there but looks outgunned so far. Jab lands for Sanchez as the round ends. Sanchez not doing a lot, but he's avoiding shots and landing counters. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-9
Round 2 - Double jab followed by a nice right from Ajagba. Nice leaping jab to the body for Ajagba. Right hand from Ajagba is blocked by Sanchez. Left followed by a huge right hand from Sanchez lands. Nice stiff jab lands for Sanchez. Nice work from Ajagba against the ropes as he lands a combination on a moving target. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-9
Round 1 - Both guys very cautious to open. Stiff jab from Sanchez but Ajagba replies with a big right hand. Sanchez shakes it off. Sanchez with a flush left hook and a big right that is blocked. Great counter punching from the Cuban. Not much happened in the round - hard to score. Newshub score: Sanchez 10-9
3:27pm - Ajagba was the 2014 Commonwealth bronze medallist - Sanchez was a very good Cuban amateur.
3:26pm - 10 rounds of boxing coming up between two legitimate prospects - the winner will earn themselves a high-profile bout next up.
3:15pm - Next up, another heavyweight bout between two undefeated prospects.
3:18pm - At least 10 minutes to the co-main event.
Heavyweight bout - Robert Helenius (30-3) v Adam Kownacki (20-1)
Result: Helenius via TKO - Round 6
Round 6 - Doctor had a look at the eye and lets the fight continue - meh. One-two for Helenius. Jab gets through for Helenius as Kownacki misses on a left hook. Double jab lands for the Finn and again... great boxing. Kownacki looks to pressure but there isn't much behind his shots. Jab lands for Helenius and now Kownacki's right eye looks to be swollen. Right up top and a left to the body for Helenius. Nice body work from Kownacki - he almost goes low again and now the referee steps in and calls the fight off. Kownacki was done five minutes ago. Impressive from the 37-year-old Finn who could be back inside the top 10 for his next fight.
Round 5 - Nice body shot from Kownacki. Low blow from the Pole and he will get a one-point deduction from the referee. Big right hand lands for Helenius and another as he catches Kownacki off balance. Helenius avoiding the pressure of Kownacki. Stiff jab lands for Helenius. One-two for the Finn - Kownacki looks done to me. Jab lands for Helenius and another one-two. Jab for Helenius. Referee looks keen to stop it. Big left hand backs the Pole up against the ropes but Kownacki fires back with a right hand. Uppercut lands for the Finn as the round ends. Kownacki looks done. Newshub score: Helenius 10-8
Round 4 - I can't see this fight lasting much longer. Kownacki's left eye is almost swollen shut. Body work from Kownacki followed by a heavy right hand. More body work from Kownacki. Big right hand clips the Finn, but Helenius is fine. One-two for the Finn and a jab lands off the back. Jab, left uppercut for Helenius lands. Big right uppercut lands for Helenius as Kownacki's comes in with his head down. Short left for Helenius lands and a big body shot. Good body work from the Pole, but his face is a mess. Newshub score: Helenius 10-9
Round 3 - More pressure from the Pole - Helenius just looking to pick his shots now as he lands an uppercut. Kownacki looking to rough up the fight a little, coming in and throwing then clinching. Right hand in close lands for Kownacki. Left hook just misses for the Pole, who looks the fresher fighter at this point. Good body work from Kownacki as Helenius lands a stiff jab. Better round this for the Pole, but the mouse on under his eye looks nasty as Helenius cracks him with a right - low blow lands from the Pole and Helenius is down. Warning given from the referee to Kownacki. Newshub score: Kownacki 10-9
Round 2 - Massive mouse below the left eye of the Pole. Helenius swinging hard as Kownacki looks to clinch. He's landing his straight right at will. Kownacki lands a nice left hand on the inside backs the Finn up. Jab for Helenius lands, but he looks sluggish now. Good work to the body on the inside for Kownacki. The body work of the Pole is really slowing Helenius down. Pressure from the Pole, but Helenuis lands a nice short right hand followed by a one-two. Closer round. Newshub score: Helenius 10-9
Round 1 - Helenius rocks the big Pole with the first punch of the fight - big left hand, but Kownacki recovers.
Kownacki with the pressure now, but the jab of Helenius is keeping him at bay. One-two lands for the Finn and another, folowed by a big right and Kownacki is in trouble against the ropes. Punch after punch being land and the Pole retreats to the right as the round ends. Newshub score: Helenius 10-9
2:45pm - This is a rematch from March 2020 when Helenius upset Kownacki scoring a knockout win. Helenuis has been in the ring with a heap of big names including Dylian Whyte - who will likely fight the winner of tonight's main event.
2:31pm - There will be a bit of a break now until the next bout given how quickly that went.
Heavyweight bout - Jared Anderson (9-0) v Vladimir Tereshkin (22-0-1)
Result - Anderson via TKO - Round 2
Round 2 - Lovely right hand over the top for Anderson. Tereshkin looking to clinch alot to tire out the young American. Big right hand-left hand combo for Anderson. Wild uppercut misses for Anderson as Tereshkin lands in the clinch. Lead left for the Russian lands. Left-right lands for Anderson as he starts to walk forward. Anderson swings widely and misses. The Russian just wants to clinch and work the body but Anderson rocks him with a chopping right. He backs the Russian up and Anderson unloads in the corner and the referee steps in and waves off the fight. Impressive.
Round 1 - All Anderson to open. Slick jab and he's avoiding the pressure of the Russian. Anderson lands a nice short right hook. He is twice as quick as Tereshkin. Nice work to the body for the Russian, but Anderson still moving quickly and his jab is slick. Tereshkin really looking to work the body to slow down the American and he's doing some nice work there. Jab lands for Anderson to end the round. Newshub score: Anderson 10-9
2:14pm - Jimmy Lennon Jr with the introductuons to get the night of fights underway. Eight rounds of boxing - will it last that long??
2:11pm - Johnson is highly touted with many, including Tyson Fury believing he is the man of the future for heavyweight boxing. Tereshkin is a veteran with one what some would say a padded record.
Should be a great fight with Johnson on the biggest stage of his career.
2:05pm - Hello folks - play by play coming up shortly as we get our heavyweight card underway.
Main Card
- Main event: Tyson Fury vs. Deontay Wilder, for Fury’s WBC heavyweight title
- Efe Ajagba vs. Frank Sanchez, for Sanchez’s WBC Continental Americas and WBO-NABO heavyweight titles
- Robert Helenius vs. Adam Kownacki, heavyweight
- Jared Anderson vs. Vladimir Tereshkin, heavyweight
Kia ora, good afternoon and welcome to Newshub's live updates of the third fight between Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder from T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas.
More than 19 months after the last fight between these two, Fury and Wilder will step into the ring once again in one of the biggest match-ups in heavyweight boxing.
The first fight saw both fighters settle for a draw, before Fury claimed the second fight via a seventh-round stoppage, giving the 'Gypsy King' the WBC heavyweight title.
And with no shortage of drama in the build-up to fight three, Sunday's encounter (NZ time) is almost certain to live up to the hype of its first two parts.
Fury is the overwhelming favourite to take victory and retain the WBC title, although Wilder will be looking to avenge his 2020 defeat - the only loss of his professional career.
TAB odds:
Tyson Fury $1.29, Deontay Wilder $3.40, draw $21
Fury, Wilder tip scales at record marks for WBC heavyweight title fight
Heavyweights Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder tipped the scales at their biggest weights yet on the eve of their highly-anticipated third fight in Las Vegas with the WBC belt on the line on Sunday.
Fury, who recovered from a 12th round knockdown in their first meeting to earn a draw before dominating Wilder 20 months ago to take the strap, weighed in at 277 pounds, five pounds heavier than in their second fight.
An amped-up Fury, who wore a black brimmed hat in an apparent nod to WWE wrestler The Undertaker, was supremely confident he would emerge victorious in the trilogy bout.
Asked what the extra weight on his 6' 9" frame meant, the undefeated "Gypsy King" from Wythenshawe, England did not mince his words.
"It means total obliteration, total annihilation!" Fury yelled to a supportive crowd assembled for the weigh-in at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.
"That's what 277 pounds means to me."
The underdog Wilder weighed in at a surprising 238 pounds, seven pounds more than in their last meeting.
The knockout artist from Tuscaloosa, Alabama has kept his emotions in check this week and was mostly unwilling to engage with the loquacious Fury at the press conference or the weigh in, neither of which featured the traditional face-off.
"Calmness is the key to the storm," Wilder says.
"I'm looking to be calm in this fight so I can make great decisions and show the people what I'm all about.
"We have rejuvenated myself, reinvented myself. Redemption is upon us, and I can't wait to show the world what I'm all about."
The 39-pound weight difference marks the smallest differential between the two so far, but Fury says he welcomes the bulked-up Wilder.
"It will make him slower. He can't carry his weight like I can. He's not a natural big heavyweight, he's a natural small man," Fury says of the lean, 6' 7" Wilder.
The winner is expected to face Ukraine's Oleksandr Usyk, who holds the other three titles, for a chance to become the first undisputed heavyweight champion since Lennox Lewis 21 years ago.