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Wrap - Deserved win for the big Kiwi - he looked superb through the first eight rounds, lost a bit of steam and then finsihed strongly to get a key win. He didn't get the knockout he desired, but the fight was exciting and many a human would have quit in the face of the punishment Chisora was on the end of.
Heavyweight main event: Joseph Parker (29-2) v Derek Chisora (32-11)
Result: Joseph Parker via unanimous decision (115-110, 115-111, 114-112)
Round 12 - Final round coming up. Chisora needs a stoppage. Left to open he round for Joe as he presses early but Chisora is there with a couple nice body shots. Short left hand in close lands for Chisora. Jab for Joe lands a slapping left hand. Parker leaning on Chisora and lands on the break with a left-right combo. 90 seconds to go. Parker lands two big right hands and a huge uppercut but Chisora is still on his feet - Joe backs up and Chisora answers with a right hand and a couple shots to the body, Joe rips to the body and lands another uppercut. Jab for Chisora and he starts to swing for the fences. Joe lands a one-two. 30 seconds left. Jab for Chisora - Joe lands a counter right - they clinch. Joe lands a left hook at the round and fight ends. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 and the fight 117-108
Round 11 - Chisora comes out swinging and is really coming on strong as the fight extends. Jab lands for Chisora as Parker lands a chopping right hand. Short uppercut in close lands for Chisora and a jab lands off the back of that. Overhand hook lands for Chisora as they seperate from the clinch. Joe is out of petrol - and his shots lack the sting they had earlier. Chisora lands a two stiff jabs but Joe replies with a stinging right hand. Uppercut lands for Joe - Chisora replies with body work. Left hook from Chisora stings Joe but he lands a right hook seconds later. Newshub score: Chisora 10-9
Round 10 - Joe has this fight in the bag if he avoids getting stopped, but he does look out of gas. Chisora lands a nice right hook but Joe counters with a uppercut. Parker clinching and Chisora lands a jab as they seperate - don't like what i seeing from Joe here - he looks knackered. Chisora with a couple heavy shots to the body. Joe clinching every chance he gets. Chisora senses he has a chance here and is walking forward throwing. Parker with a short uppercut - Chisora fires and misses on a right as Joe lands right counter. Newshub score: Chisora 10-9
Round 9 - Chisora now backed up against the corner just looking to lands a big shot. Parker lands a couple of big right hands but DC fights back with a few himslef and now he starts to walk forward again. Chisora whiffs on a right hand. Joe looking a little sluggish in this round but he lands a nice left hook. Chisora fires back with a big left. Parker pressing Chisora back to the ropes - both guys look gassed. Chisora lands a leaping right hand as Joe lands a big uppercut followed by a left hook to end the round. Newshub score: Parker 10-9
Round 8 - Chisora isn't human I swear. He comes out with the press again - Parker needs to watch his defence as the fight goes on and he tires. parker lands a jab and follows with a one-two. Chisora still pressing as Joe lands a big uppercut that has been there the whole fight. Lead left whiffs for Joe as Chisora lands a big shot to the body. Joe pressing now and backs Chisora against the ropes and lands a couple of nice shots. Big right hand lands for Joe but DC eats it like a boss. Another big right hand and Chisora is down again. Eight count from the referee. Parker walks in looking for the finish but it's not there as the round ends. Newshub score: Parker 10-8
Round 7 - Chisora's cardio holding up really well. Jab lands for Chisora but he misses on a big right hand. Parker taking the first half of the round off. Big jab lands for Chisora and Joe lands a huge uppercut that floors Chisora and he takes a knee for the eight count. 1 minute to go - Joe working the body - Chisora looking for a big shot. Jab lands for Parker and three big left hands but Chisora fights back out of the corner and backs Joe up and lands a big right hook and Joe looks stunned taking clean shots as Joe misses a left to end the round. Great heart shown by Chisora who looked done. Newshub score: Parker 10-8
Round 6 - Andy Lee not happy with JP engaging in a brawl at times. Wants him to remain technical. Parker lands a thudding uppercut as Chisora comes walking in. Good pressure from Chisora - really putting it to JP and he lands some good body shots and a left up high. Joe backing up and he looks very sluggish at the moment. Chisora stepping up his offence but as I say that Parker lands a big right hand. Chisora still pressing as his way. Joe with a one-two lands and a short right over the top in close. Chisora continues to work the body nicely. Uppercut for Joe to the body. Jab lands for Joe but Chisora fires back with a counter left. Big right from Joe to end the round. Newshub score: Parker 10-9 but it could go either way
Round 5 - Great fight so far. Chisora has his legs back and JP looked a little stunned at the end of the 4th. Joe lands a nice grazing left hook. Body work from Chisora looks good as he lands two clean shots. Parker pushing him bacl - using that extra 10kgs. Uppercut lands for JP and a right to follow. Chisora still pressing - the dude has zero quit. Slower pace to this round. Uppercut just misses for Joe as Chisora lands a nice left hook that gets the crowd going. Chisora really ripping in the body shots and Joe is slowing down for sure. Newshub score: Chisora 10-9
Round 4 - The Chisora corner beleives Parker is slowing down and urging Chisora to push the pace more. Chisora walking forward throwing bombs, but Joe clinches to stop the pressure. Parker back behind his jab and lands a lovely body shot. Chisora lands a couple nice shots to he body in the clinch. parker backs up Chisora - using his extra weight and lands a huge uppercut and a left and that's enough for the ref to step in for a standing eight count. Parker pushing the pace - 20 second in he round left, Parker looking for a big shot but Derek is covering up and then starts to swing like a wild man out of the corner and lands a couple himself. Crowd going nuts as the round ends. Newshub score: Parker 10-8
Round 3 - Chisora walks forward to open the round. Parker sitting behind his jab but Chisora closes the distance and lands his best combo of the fight. Parker whiffs on a right hand but lands a big uppercut that stuns Chisora - Parker with pressure and punches but Chisora fires back. Joe still pressing on a stunned Chisora and lands a left then a body shot. Joe looks superb. Chisora now back to pressing as he gets his legs back and lands a nice shot to the body. Chisora with an overhand that is blocked by Parker. Parker lands a nice uppercut to end the round. Newshub score: Parker 10-9
Round 2 - Chisora pressing to open the second and backs Parker up and lands a big right hook. JP is fine although he is backing up which is dangerous. Chisora swings hard with a right and lands heavy but Parker explodes with a brutal three-punch combo... Chisora's chin holding up. JP lands two uppercuts as Chisora walks forward and throws. Parker lands a nice combo in close and forced Chisora back to the ropes. Busy round this. Joe lands a heavy hook to the body and lands a huge right then a left that rocks Chisora. Parker pushing for the knockdown as the round ends. Great comeback in that round from JP. Newshub score: Parker 10-9.
Round 1 - Here we go folks. 12 rounds of boxing in the heavyweight division.
They meet in the middle. Joe throws an uppercut and a wild left hand. Jab from Parker who is pressing the action. Chisora lands a few body shots in the clinch. Lead left lands for JP and they clinch again. Chisora misses on a big right as JP lands a lovely counter left. Jab lands for Joe and he rocks Chisora with a stiff right hand. DC looks okay though. Chisora now pressing Parker, but Joe looks very calm. Right hand whiffs for Chisora. Short left lands for Joe but he whiffs on a right hook. Round ends. Newshub score: Parker 10-9
11:36am - Ring introductions underway - not long now.
11:34am - JP sporting slique, tribal-inspired fight gear this morning. Looks very cool.
11:31am - Now it's time for Joe Parker - getting a boovation from the jam-packed crowd at the AO Arena... again can't stress how important this fight is for JP - he must win and win well. All the pressure is on the Samoan-Kiwi.
11:28am - 'Delboy' Derek Chisora out first - looking as bad ass as a man can look legally.
11:27am - Sweet Carloline blasting out in Manchester - which means we are moments away from ringwalks.
11:12am - Joe Parker v Derek Chisora is next - a crossroads for the Kiwi who with a win is likely in a title eliminator next against Joe Joyce, but a loss and he's arguably elminated from heavyweight contention.
Result: Kevin Lele Sadjo via TKO (Round 6)
Rounds 5-8 - Fight is over! Early in round six Sadjo lands an enormous left hand to the body that floors the Brit who looks to get back to his feet but the referee waves off the fight. Sadjo celebrating with zero class - what a dick - doing push ups while medical official tend to Cullenm - much to the displeasure of the crowd.
11:02am - Sonny Bill speaks.....
Rounds 1-4 - Awesome fight. Cullen has a big reach advantage but Sadjo has no issues with coming in close and he's landed some big punches. Cullen edging it at the moment but it could also easily have swung the other way through four.
10:38am - The feature undercard bout is next for the European title... JP v Chisora at least 45 minutes away at this point - even if this ends early.
Super-Featherweight IBF title eliminator: Zelfa Barrett (26-1) v Bruno Tarimo (26-2-2)
Result: Zelfa Barrett via unanimous decision - (117-110, 117-110, 116-111)
Rounds 10-12 - Barrett coasts to victory - picking off Tarimo on the backfoot. He should easily get the nod here via decision.
Rounds 7-9 - Fight is really closing up. Tarimo landing more and more but still Barrett is there with the big shots and the knockout looks to be there if he can land a couple blows back-to-back. Impressed with Tarimo's heart - just continues to walk forward and throw.
Rounds 4-6 - Tarimo continues to press forward and is landing but Barrett's combination work has been outstanding and he is landing the bigger shots and is well ahead in this one.
Rounds 1-3 - Pretty close fight through two rounds but Barrett drops Tarimo twice in the third. But his Aussie-based opponent came back nicely in the latter stages of the round although Barrett is now well ahead on the scorecards and looks to have some serious sting in his punches.
9:35am - Joe Parker's trainer Andy Lee with a few pre-fight thoughts.
9:20am - Two more fights to come before Joe v Derek .... if they go the distance we are probably looking at a start time of around 11:30 for the main event.
IBO Super-Middleweight title: Carlos Gongora (20-0) vs Lerrone Richards (15-0)
Result: Lerrone Richards via split decision (115-113, 112-116, 115-113)
Round 12 - Much like the fight - close, but Richards doing enough to edge it. Scorecards coming up.
Rounds 9-11 - Gongora may have snuck a couple rounds in here as Richards fades slightly, but he has a big enough lead to coast here for mine.
9:04am - A reminder that earlier, David Nyika bullied his way to a second pro win.
9:02am - Derek Chisora's trainer on this morning's main event.
Rounds 4-8 - Richards taking over now and leads by five rounds on my scorecard. Really establishing his speed and head movement and looks like a hard target to hit.
Rounds 2-4 - Two very well-matched boxers. Every round had been tight so far - would tend to lead towards Richards by a couple of rounds.
Round 1 - Close round - very hard to score. This looks like it has the potential to go all 12 rounds.
Heavyweight bout: Alan Babic (10-0) v David Spilmont (11-7-1)
Result: Alan Babic via KO (Round 6)
Round 6 - Fight is over as Spilmont is dropped with a hook and a couple of follow up shots and can't answer the 10 count.
Round 5 - Spilmont almost wins this round with some great counter boxing in the face of aggression.
Round 4 - Babic wins the round with a early knockdown but Spilmont is hanging in tough landing several shots on the counter.
Round 3 - Hell of a fight this with both guys using the old kill of be killed mentality. Babic wins the round with a big flurry at the end.
Round 2 - Wow! Almost a massive upset! Babic way to loose and wild throwing bombs got clipped at the end of the round and Spilmont almost finished the fight with seconds left in the round.
Round 1 - Babic dominated the opening round against the journeyman French-Romanian who is hanging in tough against one of the most promising heavyweight prospects going around.
7:29am - Up next is a heavyweight bout between Alan Babic and David Spilmont.
Cruiserweight bout - David Nyika (1-0) v Anthony Carpin (5-6-2)
Result - David Nyika via TKO (Carpin couldn't answer the Round 2 bell)
Fight wrap - The Kiwi moves to 2-0 and looked awesome. Not an elite opponent by any means but he looked fantastic and smooth. Nyika has already said he wants to stay with Team Fury in the UK once his Commonwealth Games journey is over next year and he will only get better.
Round 2 - Fight is over! Carpin is done with an elbow injury - but for me he quit.
Round 1 - Underway for the morning and the Nyika looks to establish his sweet jab right from the start. The Kiiw backs up Carpin with a body shot and a big right hand lands clean. Nyika the bigger man and looks strong. Double-jab lands for the Kiwi and another body shot. Jab for Nyika and a right hook to the body. Nyika lands an overhand that is parried - really sitting down on his punches. Uppercut just misses for Nyika and another big body shot to end the round. All Nyika.
7:11am - And now the reigning two-time Commonwealth Games champ and Olympic bronze medallist is on his way out.
7:10am - Anthony Carpin making his way to the ring for this cruiserweight bout - tough task for the Frenchman who stepped up on six days notice.
7:03am - David Nyika will open up the main card. Massive slot for him on UK primetime television and DAZN around the globe.
6:59am - Morning folks - Not too far away from David Nyika's ring walk. A few undercard bouts have already taken pla in Manchester.
Sandy Ryan beat Maria Soledad Capriolo via third-round technical knockout
Cyrus Pattinson vs Evgenii Vazem - cancelled, due to Vazem testing positive for Covid-19
Jordan Thompson beat Piotr Budziszewski via first-round knockout
Rhiannon Dixon beat Vaida Masiokaite via points
Welcome to Newshub's coverage of Joseph Parker v Derek Chisora II from the AO Arena in Manchester, England.
The big Kiwi is looking to repeat and improve on his split decision win in May when he was hampered by a sluggish start, before dominating the closing rounds to edge the hard-hitting veteran.
The fight represents a crossroads for the former WBO champion. A win puts him right in the mix for a title shot, while losing sets his career back two years and would likely spell the end of championship ambition for the 29-year-old.
Also on the card is the highly anticipated second professional bout for talented young Kiwi David Nyika.
The two-time Commonwealth champion and Olympic bronze medallist won his first pro fight in less than a minute early this year but faces a stiffer task second time round against French slugger Anthony Carpin, but the result should be the same.
Joseph Parker vs Derek Chisora II
Carlos Gongora vs Lerrone Richards for IBO super-middleweight title
Jack Cullen v Kevin Lele Sadjo for vacant EBU European super-middleweight title
Zelfa Barrett vs Bruno Tarimo
Jordan Thompson vs Clement Oppenot
Alen Babic vs David Spilmont
Rhiannon Dixon vs Paola Pamela Benavidez
Sandy Ryan vs Maria Soledad Capriolo
Cyrus Pattinson vs Evgenii Vazem
David Nyika vs Anthony Carpin
TAB odds
Joseph Parker $1.36, Derek Chisora $3.10, Draw $14.00
David Nyika $1.03, Anthony Carpin $12.00
Parker tips the scales at career-high weight for Chisora rematch
A bigger, and hopefully more powerful, Joseph Parker will enter the ring in Sunday morning's rematch against Derek Chisora in Manchester, with the Kiwi heavyweight weighing in at a career high.
Parker, 29, tipped the scales at 114kg ahead of his second fight against Chisora - almost 5kg heavier than he was for the first fight between the two in May, won by the Kiwi via a split decision.
Parker's previous heaviest weight heading into the ring was 111.13kg to face American Shawndell Winters in February 2020, which he won thanks to a fifth round TKO.
Meanwhile, Chisora weighed in at 113kg - slightly lighter than he was for the first bout back in May - while also conceding the height and reach advantage to the Kiwi.
Chisora stands at 187cm, shorter than Parker's 193cm, while his reach of 188cm is five centimetres less than Parker's 193cm.
On Friday (NZ time) Parker also made an unheard of prediction, that he would knock Chisora out between rounds six and ten in Sunday's rematch.
The Kiwi has been training out of WBC heavyweight champion Tyson Fury's MTK Global gym in Morecambe, England, under the watchful eye of new trainer Andy Lee.
Parker is currently ranked second by the WBO and sits in the top 10 in the IBF and WBA heavyweight standings.
A win over Chisora is likely to lead to a WBO title eliminator against undefeated Brit Joe Joyce.