The boy's parents believe he was bullied right up to the night he died.
Worse yet, just under 10 percent of Kiwi workers say they suffer bullying weekly.
"They [MBIE] talk about helping workplace bullying issues and harassment but unfortunately for me, it was a different story."
Young women, bisexual, and disabled workers were especially at risk.
National MP Sam Uffindell was stood down after more bullying allegations emerged.
"It's been a traumatising time... Why are they treating me like this?"
Kris Faafoi asked the charity to be more transparent after it refused to share a workplace investigation report beyond its board.
"I'm pretty sure he was knocked out because when I saw him his eyes were rolling."
She says the long-lasting impact of bullying has made her less trusting of colleagues and cynical of an industry she once adored.