The internet's hilarious solutions to social distancing on flights

These are too good to be true.
These are too good to be true.

The world's airline industry is continuing to struggle with the issue of social distancing onboard aircraft due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fewer people are allowed on planes, but airlines still have to be proftiable.

Aviation enthusiasts on websites such as Reddit and Facebook have found a simple way to fix the problem: Photoshop.

It's not a tool that airlines could use to start turning a quick buck, but it has made for some rather entertaining images - some of which were even mistaken for real aircraft by people viewing them.

Here are some examples:

The internet's hilarious solutions to social distancing on flights

The A380 is the jewel in the crown of Singapore Airlines, but this version may just take things to the next level. If it were to become a reality, you'd be looking at a capacity of around 1500 passengers.

The internet's hilarious solutions to social distancing on flights

There's no denying that if this aircraft was ever built it would forever be known as the pencil.

The internet's hilarious solutions to social distancing on flights

A cruise ship in the sky: this isn't a double-decker, it's a septupled layer mega-beast. Imagine if the only toilet was at the back.

The internet's hilarious solutions to social distancing on flights

This design would be the one most likely to get off the ground physically, but economically - no way. As airlines choose to go with twin-engine aircraft, a plane with ten engines would break the bank.