Climate change 'out for the time being' from G20 draft

  • 18/03/2017
G20 members gather around the 'Global Stone Garden' artwork (Getty)

World financial leaders have dropped a reference to financing climate change from their draft communique, says an official taking part in a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers of the Group of 20 leading economies.

At their last meeting in July 2016 in the Chinese city of Chengdu, the G20 financial leaders said they encouraged all signatories of the Paris Agreement on climate change to bring the deal into force as soon as possible.

"Climate change is out for the time being," said the official, who asked not to be named.

US President Donald Trump has called global warming a "hoax" concocted by China to hurt US industry and vowed to unpick the Paris climate accord that is supposed to curb rising temperatures.
