Video: The historic moment when Donald Trump met Kim Jong-un

US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met for the first time on Tuesday in Sentosa, Singapore.

The North Korean flag sat alongside the Stars and Stripes and with that one image, history was made even - before the leaders met.

US President Donald Trump arrived wearing his typical bold red tie and stern expression, giving off the impression that he's not there to muck around. North Korean leader Mr Kim in his traditional black high-neck suit sauntered in moments earlier.

They marched towards one another, Mr Trump offering his powerful handshake and speaking to Mr Kim. For his part, Mr Kim didn't say a word and a hushed silence fell, with only clicks from the photographers' shutters.

After moving inside there was another photo opportunity, where both leaders spoke briefly to media.

Mr Trump said: "I feel really great, we're going to have a great discussion and I think tremendous success," Mr Trump said.

"We will have a terrific relationship, I have no doubt."

Mr Kim replied: "It was not easy to get here... past practices and prejudices were obstacles on our way forward, but we overcame all of them and are here today."

They spent 45 minutes together in a meeting room, alone apart from their translators.

Whatever happened in that time will be the difference between a deal being made, or not.

There are 3000 media personnel in town for the meeting. After the 45 minutes, advisers and diplomats for both leaders entered the room and talks continued.
