Man addicted to sniffing his socks hospitalised with severe fungal lung infection

  • 19/12/2018
Man addicted to sniffing his socks hospitalised with severe fungal lung infection
Photo credit: File

A man in China has been diagnosed with a severe fungal infection in his lungs due to smelling his used socks at the end of his work day.

The man, identified as Peng, was admitted to hospital in Zhangzhou after complaining of a cough and chest pains.

According to local newspaper the Fujian Daily, Peng had caught an infection from a fungus that had developed in his shoes and socks, then spread to his lungs as he sniffed his dirty socks.

Dr Mai Zhuanying told Fujian Daily that "the infection could also be attributed to the patient's lack of rest at home, as he had been looking after his child, leading to a weaker immune system".

Lung infections can be fatal and are difficult to diagnose as the symptoms can be non-specific and non-invasive tests often have a low sensitivity.

Peng is expected to make a full recovery.
