Have Your Say: Will Donald Trump's COVID-19 infection hurt his re-election chances?

  • 03/10/2020
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Have your say! Photo credit: Getty.

Donald Trump, the current US President fighting for a second term, has been hospitalised with COVID-19 a month out from the country's election.

Trump's diagnosis on Friday (NZT) threw the election campaign into chaos with the incumbent potentially unable to campaign on the ground for weeks. 

While White House officials say the 74-year-old has mild symptoms and Trump himself said in a video posted to Twitter that he was doing well, other sources have told media the situation is more serious. He was hospitalised on Saturday out of precaution, but will continue to fulfil his duties. 

Following the positive test result, others who have interacted with him were tested. That includes his opponent at the election, Joe Biden, but his test came back negative.

Biden has sent his thoughts to the President and it's reported that while the Democrat continues to campaign, ads attacking Trump has been pulled for now.

With the election to be held on November 3, do you think Trump's infection hurts his re-election chances?

Disclaimer: This straw poll is not scientific and closes after 24 hours.