US school under investigation after posting photos of students in lingerie giving teachers lap dances

US school under investigation after posting photos of students in lingerie giving teachers lap dances
Photo credit: Getty Images

A United States high school is under investigation after photos of male students dressed in lingerie giving staff members lap dances were posted on social media. 

Hazard High School in Kentucky posted the photos on its official Facebook page. The photos were taken at the school's homecoming week festivities which included a "Man Pageant". 

They show male students dressed in lingerie appearing to give staff members lap dances and female students wearing Hooters uniforms. 

The post didn't go down well with the co-founder of an eduactuon advocacy group calling the school out online. 

"Um. Exactly what is going on here, y'all? C'mon Hazard. Get it together," Nema Brewer, co-founder of education advocacy group KY 120 United, tweeted. 

Superintendent of Hazard Independent Schools Sondra Combs told Yahoo News the incident is being investigated. 

Combs said the school "has a tradition of excellence and academics in everything we do, but the incident is being investigated and once the investigation is complete, appropriate action will be taken".

The Kentucky Department of Education told Yahoo News it's aware of the event and has been in touch with the Combs.  

"Kentucky law provides that school district superintendents are required to report instances of educator misconduct to the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB). Therefore, if the investigation finds a certified educator likely violated the Kentucky Educator Code of Ethics, the superintendent is required to report this to the EPSB for potential action. 

"If any citizen of Commonwealth feels that Kentucky's educator Code of Ethics was violated by a certified educator, they can also file a complaint with the EPSB," Spokesperson Toni Konz Tatman told Yahoo News. 

Commenters online dubbed the event as "gross" and "inappropriate".

"This is beyond inappropriate. Sickening," one person said.

"What the heck is going on and why?" another asked.