Internet flips over photo of 'alien doorway' taken on Mars

The internet has gone into a frenzy over 'alien doorway'
The internet has gone into a frenzy over 'alien doorway' Photo credit: Twitter

The internet has flipped it's lid after a photo of an "alien doorway" was posted on social media.

NASA'S Curiosity rover took the photo on May 7 on Mars and it has people divided on whether it is a doorway for aliens or if the image is fake.

Although the photo does look convincing, geologists claim it is unlikely to be a doorway for aliens and likely to be the result of a piece of rock, which fell away by natural force, which created the clean-cut gap, reported.

When talking about the image in question, Mars Science Laboratory project scientist Ashwin Vasavada said: "I think what we have here (is) either two vertical fractures, where the middle piece has been removed, or one vertical fracture, and the blocks have moved apart a little bit," reported

Scientists claim the 'doorway' is less than a metre tall and the rover is around 2.2 metres tall, which means if it was an alien entrance, the aliens would have had to be extremely small to fit into the gap. reported science has not stopped conspiracy theorists from photoshopping aliens into the image and claiming people don't know what size the extraterrestrial beings actually are.