Australian residents wake up to 'massive bang' as 'space junk' passes through sky

A video shows a ball of light passing through the sky after a loud boom woke up people in Australia during the middle of the night.

According to 7News, the spectacular ball of light was spotted in the sky just before midnight on Monday.

The ball was seen soaring above houses in the dark sky, carrying a bright trail of light behind it.

One expert spoke with 7News, explaining the bright light was space junk re-entering the orbit.

"Because it's a human-made object, as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere it heats up and bits break part," astrophysicist Simon Tucker said.

"It's some sort of rockage or satellite that was put up previously and re-entered the Earth."

He told 7News the shaking felt by residents was a result of being under or nearby the flight path.

"You're essentially slamming on the brakes at 20,000km per hour, so of course that's going to create a bit of a rumble and a boom."

Many on social media have since described the moment the space junk entered the atmosphere.

"I heard the massive bang, all the windows in my house rattled," one person said.

Another person commented on the shaking, saying "I thought it was another earthquake".

"Part of it is in my front yard," a third person added.