Australian mother fed up after constant prank calls from Chewbacca impersonators

A young mother in Australia is fed up after receiving continuous prank calls from anonymous callers imitating the Star Wars character Chewbacca.

Taylor Paige had her phone number written up on posters all across Cairns, encouraging people to call her and impersonate the iconic character for a chance to win $100.

Paige, from Sydney, is confused and has absolutely no idea who is behind the prank.

"I'm not too sure, I honestly couldn't tell you," she told Australian media.

"I hate Star Wars really, I've only watched one or two movies," Paige added. "I'm not a Star Wars fan."

According to Daily Mail, Paige revealed that she texted the callers asking "who's this?" - however, they would call back to repeat the impersonation.

While being interviewed by Australian media, Paige received another prank call, to which she promptly hung up.

"Every time, all day," she responded in a frustrated tone.

This prank is similar to one that occurred in Cairns in 2020, where an ex-boyfriend asked locals to call his ex-partner and mimic Chewbacca.

The couple had been dating for three years before the woman ended the relationship with him after finding out he had cheated on her.

Her bitter ex decided to get back at her for dumping him and put up the posters around Cairns, telling people the best impression could win them a prize of $200.

"Someone called and said they thought it might have been done as a joke because they watched [the man] put up the poster," the woman told Australian media at the time. "It hurts my feelings."