Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese backs social media ban for kids and teens

There are growing calls in Australia to ban social media for children and teenagers under the age of 16.

Australia pledged $6.5 million in its latest Budget to trial age verification technology to crack down on child safety online. Experts suggest it could lead to a country-wide ban.

"Parents are worried sick about what their kids have access to online," Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said. "It's time that we take strong action but we want to make sure that that strong action is effective."

The conversation began when South Australia recently proposed a law to raise the legal age children can join social media to 16. Anyone younger would need parental consent.

High Court chief justice Robert French will conduct a legal examination into banning accounts for children.

If it goes ahead South Australia will be the first state in the country to impose a ban.

In Florida, children under 14 can't access social media sites. Texas has harsher laws - requiring parental consent for everyone under the age of 18.

NSW Premier Chris Minns suggested his state will look into it too.

"My view is that this is a giant global social experiment on young people that is completely unregulated," he said. "We need to shine a massive light on it and potentially have massive changes."

The problem is, it would need the help of the social media giants.

Elon Musk is already proudly fighting Canberra over violent online videos, saying Australia is trying to be the "internet cop".