Donald Trump, Joe Biden face off in CNN debate ahead of 2024 US election

US President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump are having their first in-person showdown of the 2024 election cycle at CNN's debate in Atlanta. 

The confrontation between Biden and Trump has a good chance of becoming the most fateful presidential debate in US history, according to CNN's White House team

It's taking place far earlier than normal - even before the party conventions. It's Biden's best chance to shake up a reelection bid he is in deep danger of losing - as he struggles to convince voters he's delivered the political and economic normality he promised in 2020. 

Trump's campaign has signalled the ex-President would assail Biden over immigration and the economy. It boasted about polling averages his team said show the former President up in all the key states. 

There has been some controversy leading up to the debate, with CNN rejecting multiple requests to allow White House pool reporters inside the studio, according to The White House Correspondents' Association. The press pool, made up of representatives of major news organisations, normally has access to any event where the President speaks or appears in public. 

It is extremely rare for them to be barred from an event in the US, Reuters reported.

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