Robert Irwin threatens to sue controversial Australian politician Pauline Hanson over cartoon

Wildlife warrior Robert Irwin has threatened to sue a controversial Australian politician over a cartoon with Bluey. 

In the clip, the popular cartoon dog and Irwin take a tour of the state of Queensland, but all is not as it seems. 

Along the way the duo poke fun at the issues facing the state, including youth crime, health and the rental crisis. 

At one point the Aussie icons join a line they think is for the theme park Movie World, but are instead told the queue is to view a rundown one-bedroom house. By the end, juveniles have beat up Bluey, and the wait to be seen in hospital is six months long. 

It ends with Irwin telling the current state Premier: "This is the state of Queensland." 

The two-minute video has been shared on One Nation leader Pauline Hanson's YouTube channel under her 'Please Explain' animation series.  

Over the weekend Irwin's lawyers issued the production company that made the cartoon with a cease-and-desist, arguing it is defamatory and deceptive. 

Hanson has now fired back, telling Irwin to "lighten up, mate". 

"Your father was an icon, he was a larrikin, he would laugh it off," she said. 

Hanson had until 7pm NZT to remove the cartoon, but at this stage it is still online. 

Hanson, the founder the right-wing populist political party, has represented Queensland in the Australian Senate since the 2016 Federal Election. 

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