Chris Kahui found not guilty

  • Breaking
  • 22/05/2008

Chris Kahui has been found not guilty of murdering his two three-month-old sons, Chris and Cru.

The jury made their decision in just seven minutes, and questions are now being raised about the prosecution's case.

Despite Chris Kahui's family's insistence he is innocent, some believe he has escaped punishment for the murder of his two sons.

Detective Inspector John Tims believes that Chris Kahui got away with murder, he is just not allowed to say so.

The two year investigation he led has come to nothing as Chris Kahui left the court a free man.

“The evidence that we gathered the advice we were given by the crown the medical experts all indicated that Chris Kahui was the offender, but I respect the jury's decision,” says Detective Inspector John TIms.

After listening to that evidence for six weeks the jury decided otherwise and acquitted Chris Kahui of murdering his three-month-old baby boys.

The police made it clear that they have no further suspects and nowhere to go.

“There is no new evidence; the defence bought no new evidence to trial there will be no further investigation.  This matter is closed the jury has made their decision,” says Tims.

The decision to close the case has left many unanswered questions about the calibre of the police investigation, and no one accountable for the violent deaths of the twins.

Kahui's lawyer says it is a day that shows New Zealand’s legal system works.  She told John Campbell this evening that she believes the evidence clearly points to someone else.

“The tragedy is that the killer's still out there,” says defence lawyer Lorraine Smith

A law expert says it is a sad day.

“One gets the feeling that this is an instance where terrible injustices have been done and a terrible crime is going to go unpunished,” says Associate Professor Bill Hodge.

The crown case was that Kahui attacked the babies mid-evening on June 12th 2006.

The defence disputed the timing of the assault, arguing it could have happened earlier in the evening and that someone else, probably the babies' mother, Macsyna King, was responsible.

King was not in court for the verdict and she won't be investigated.

After the two "not guilty" verdicts were read out Kahui sat down and looked skywards, then outside, prayed with his family.

The Kahui family say they want another investigation to find out who murdered Cris and Cru, but perhaps that's a question that will never be answered.


source: newshub archive