Witness: Aussie hang glider died trying to help

  • Breaking
  • 01/09/2014

Witnesses say an experienced hang glider, who died after crashing into a beachside home in New South Wales, gave his life to save another glider.

Adam Parer's final moments were captured on camera by fans who had been marvelling at his skills.

At first it appeared that it was just a mid-air close call before it became clear Mr Parer was in trouble. Trying to avoid a collision, he suddenly stalled and flipped. He then started spiralling out of control and plummeted to the ground.

The hang glider clipped power lines before crashing through a glass barrier and into the courtyard of a beachside home.

"I ran as fast as I could over to him," says witness Troy Ravlin. "I jumped the fence to get into him, but when I got there he'd passed away."

Mr Ravlin had been videoing the hang gliders above Newcastle and could tell Mr Parer was a professional.

"He was spectacular to watch."

He believes if the 48-year-old hadn't pulled up when the second hang glider came close, more people would have died.

"I honestly think that he lost his life saving a life," says Mr Ravlin. "I think he's a hero."

Those who know Mr Parer say that is how he lived his life - a veteran Newcastle firefighter and a world-class glider with 15 years' experience.

Five years ago he was seriously injured after crashing during a competition. But as soon as he'd recovered he was back in the air, doing what he loved.

It was a passion that yesterday ended in a tragic twist.

3 News

source: newshub archive