Kylie Jenner branded 'climate criminal' after flying 65km

Kylie Jenner looking puzzled
Kylie Jenner is in trouble after her private jet flew 65km creating more pollution than necessary.

Kylie Jenner has been branded a "full-time climate criminal" after her private jet was recorded making a 65km flight in the US.

Twitter account CelebJets, which follows celebrities' private planes as they take to the skies, found that Jenner's jet had taken off from Camarillo, California before arriving in Van Nuys - just three minutes later.

The journey was all of 65km and would have taken 45 minutes by car travelling across Los Angeles.

A Scottish theatre director, Jack MacGregor, hit out at Jenner online, writing: "Kylie Jenner: Full-time climate criminal. These jets should never be allowed to take off."

However, it was claimed that Jenner possibly hadn't been on the flight herself, and there may have been a more mundane reason for the exceptionally short trip.

"As much as it pains me to say this, she probably wasn't on the flight, and the plane was just going to VNY for maintenance," someone pointed out on social media.

Private flights have increased in the US since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Los Angeles Times reported back in February 2021.

It said celebrities, cast and crew preferred this option to risking infection from the virus as well as managing to avoid the possibility of flight cancellations or delays caused by the pandemic.

But the BBC reported private jets were fuelling the climate crisis, adding to emissions and pollution.

"A huge amount of fuel is used during takeoff and landing of a plane, no matter how many people you have on board. So an already polluting mode of transport (commercial aviation) becomes even worse (with private jets)," Dr Debbie Hopkins, an expert in decarbonising transport at the University of Oxford, told the BBC last year.

At the time of writing, Jenner hasn't commented on the furore.