PlayStation cat game proves to be a hit with gamers - and their cats

A cat up on a TV stand watching a digital cat in a computer game.
New PlayStation game Stray has launched - and cats can't get enough of it. Photo credit: Twitter

We all know the internet was invented for cat videos.

But now a newly released PlayStation game has taken that trend to a whole new meta-level.

Tuesday saw the launch of the highly-anticipated title Stray, a game which gives you the ability to control a lost ginger cat.

The game, from Annapurna Interactive and BlueTwelve Studio, centres on the unnamed feline, who finds itself in a world populated with nothing but robots after becoming separated from its feline family.

As you try to help the cat back to its home, the controller lets you unleash your inner puss by giving you the chance to randomly knock over items or let loose with a series of cat calls.

While the game's already become an acclaimed hit with critics, it seems it's also become a purr-fect storm among fellow cats.

A social media account, Cats Watching Stray has taken off after gamers shared shots of their cats watching their owners play as cats.

Many of the felines can be found up on hind legs by the televisions, staring at the game, puzzled and entranced by the fellow meows of the digital hero.

But it's not all good news for gamers whose pets are suddenly interested in their owners' pastimes.

One user said the cat was preventing her from progressing in the game.

"My cat won't let me play this game" she tweeted, sharing a shot of the cat sat in the middle of the television and refusing to move as the onscreen action unfolded.