Lorde removes Instagram post after breaking electoral rules

Lorde has removed an Instagram Story which revealed her voting preference. Photo credit: Getty Images

Lorde has removed an Instagram Story which broke electoral rules.

The Kiwi pop star shared with her 9.5 million followers a picture of her ballot, indicating which way she was voting in the Auckland mayoral race.

"I'm proud to be voting [candidate's name] for Mayor of Auckland," she wrote on Tuesday morning (local time).

She also included an impassioned plea for people to get out and vote in the 2022 local elections.

"Local election turnout is low as always. Your community needs you," she captioned the piece.

Lorde was believed to have made the post at around 4.30am on Tuesday, the Spinoff reported.

As of 10.50am, the Story had been removed from Lorde's Instagram account.

It's believed the post would have broken election rules as it clearly indicated how Lorde was voting with a picture of a tick by one candidate's name.

The Independent Election Services's Managing Director Dale Ofsoske told Newshub it is "very good" Lorde removed it quickly.

"That issue came to my attention, and anyone who puts an imitation voting document with an indication of which way they're going to vote, is an offence, under the local electoral act. I have been in touch with her agent," he said.

He also said there's no issue if Lorde wants to display her support for any candidate, as long as she's clear about her intentions.

"You can't cross the boundary to having an imitation document, but you can certainly use social media to endorse specific candidates - there's no issue there. It's just when it looks like an official voting document with an indication of how they're to vote, that's the wrong part."

In late September, RNZ reported voter turnout was "abysmally low", with many places polling just half of the votes when compared to the same time in previous elections. 

As of September 28, election data showed just 8.8 percent of Auckland had voted.